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Johan Johansen

  • Kristin Hamre, Marit Bjørnevik, Marit Espe, Luis E. C. Conceição, Johan Johansen, Joana Silva m.fl.:
    Dietary micronutrient composition affects fillet texture and muscle cell size in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
    Aquaculture Nutrition 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eric Schmitt, Ikram Belghit, Johan Johansen, Raymond Leushuis, Erik-Jan Lock, Diede Melsen m.fl.:
    Growth and safety assessment of feed streams for black soldier fly larvae: A case study with aquaculture sludge
    Animals 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marc Berntssen, Robin Ørnsrud, Josef Daniel Rasinger, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll Søfteland, Erik-Jan Lock, Kjersti Kolås m.fl.:
    Dietary vitamin A supplementation ameliorates the effects of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
    Aquatic Toxicology 2016 DOI
  • Karen A. Alexander, Tavis Potts, Shirra Freeman, Dafna Israel, Johan Johansen, Demetris Kletou m.fl.:
    The implications of aquaculture policy and regulation for the development of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture in Europe
    Aquaculture 2015 DOI
  • Kristin Hamre, John F. Taylor, Joanna Silva, Erik-Jan Lock, Johan Johansen, Marie Hillestad m.fl.:
    Validering av optimale mikronæringsstoff-nivå i laksefôr - ASSESSFEED
    2018 ARKIV

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