Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Andreas Kjæreng Winther,
Dag Johansen,
Svein Arne Pettersen
Analysis of peak locomotor demands in women’s football–the influence of different epoch lengths
Joao Lino Mesquita,
Ivan Baptista,
Fàbio Yuzo Nakamura,
Filipe Casanova,
Farzad Yousefian,
Bruno Travassos
The Complexity of Defining and Assessing the Most Demanding Periods of Play in Team Sports: A Current Opinion
Strength and conditioning journal 2024
Andreas Kjæreng Winther,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Sigurd Pedersen,
João Brito,
Morten B. Randers,
Dag Johansen
An analysis of training load in highly trained female football players
Olavo Maciel,
Ricardo Martins,
Fábio Yuzo Nakamura,
Pedro Figueiredo,
José Afonso,
Ivan Baptista
The Effect of Speed Endurance Versus Core Training on The Repeated Sprint Ability of Youth Male Soccer Players – A Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2024
Tomás Zylberberg,
Ricardo Martins,
Svein Arne Pettersen,
José Afonso,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista
Acute responses to a potentiation warm-up protocol on sprint and change of direction in female football players: a randomized controlled study
BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation 2024
Pedro Oliveira,
Felipe Arruda Moura,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Fábio Yuzo Nakamura,
José Afonso
Variation in Accelerometer-Derived Instantaneous Acceleration Distribution Curves of Elite Male Soccer Players According to Playing Position: A Pilot Study
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Andreas Kjæreng Winther,
Sigurd Pedersen,
Dag Johansen,
Svein Arne Pettersen
The influence of age on the match-to-match variability of physical performance in women’s elite football
Frontiers in Physiology 2023
José Afonso,
João Brito,
Eduardo Abade,
Gonçalo Rendeiro-Pinho,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Pedro Figueiredo
Revisiting the ‘Whys’ and ‘Hows’ of the Warm-Up: Are We Asking the Right Questions?
Andreas Kjæreng Winther,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Sigurd Pedersen,
Morten Brendsgaard Randers Thomsen,
Peter Krustrup,
Dag Johansen
Position specific physical performance and running intensity fluctuations in elite women's football
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2022
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Andreas Kjæreng Winther,
Dag Johansen,
Morten Bredsgaard Randers Thomsen,
Sigurd Pedersen,
Svein Arne Pettersen
The variability of physical match demands in elite women's football
Science and medicine in football 2022
Andreas Kjæreng Winther,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Sigurd Pedersen,
Morten Brendsgaard Randers Thomsen,
Dag Johansen,
Peter Krustrup
Position specific physical performance and running intensity fluctuations in elite women’s football
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2021
Svein Arne Pettersen,
Håvard D. Johansen,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Pål Halvorsen,
Dag Johansen
Quantified Soccer Using Positional Data: A Case Study
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Dag Johansen,
Pedro Figueiredo,
Antonio Rebelo,
Svein Arne Pettersen
A comparison of match-physical demands between different tactical systems: 1-4-5-1 vs 1-3-5-2
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Dag Johansen,
Pedro Figueiredo,
Antonio Rebelo,
Svein Arne Pettersen
Positional Differences in Peak- and Accumulated- Training Load Relative to Match Load in Elite Football
Theodor Wiik,
Håvard D. Johansen,
Svein Arne Pettersen,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Tomas Kupka,
Dag Johansen
Predicting peek readiness-to-train of soccer players using long short-term memory recurrent neural networks
Kim Hartvedt Andreassen,
Dag Johansen,
Håvard D. Johansen,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Svein Arne Pettersen,
Micheal Riegler
Real-time Analysis of Physical Performance Parameters in Elite Soccer
IEEE conference proceedings 2019
Svein Arne Pettersen,
Håvard D. Johansen,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Pål Halvorsen,
Dag Johansen
Quantified Soccer Using Positional Data: A Case Study
Frontiers in Physiology 06. juli 2018
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Dag Johansen,
Andre Seabra,
Svein Arne Pettersen
Position specific player load during match-play in a professional football club
José Afonso,
Fàbio Yuzo Nakamura,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Gonçalo Rendeiro-Pinho,
Joao Brito,
Pedro Figueiredo
Response to "microdosing: A Conceptual Framework for Use as Programming Strategy for Resistance Training in Team Sports"
Strength and conditioning journal 2024
José Afonso,
Renato Andrade,
Mario Sa,
Ricardo Martins,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Tania Pizzari
Elusive 'usual' warm-up in injury prevention trials: the problem of comparing apples to beans
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2024
José Afonso,
Fàbio Yuzo Nakamura,
Ivan Andre Matias Do Vale Baptista,
Gonçalo Rendeiro-Pinho,
Joao Brito,
Pedro Figueiredo
Microdosing: Old Wine in a New Bottle? Current State of Affairs and Future Avenues
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP) 2022