Harald Bergland,
Evgenii Burlakov,
John Andreas Wyller
The Dynamics of Pasture–Herbivores–Carnivores with Sigmoidal Density Dependent Harvesting
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2023
Harald Bergland,
Purnedu Mishra,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Arkadi Ponossov,
John Andreas Wyller
Time delays and pollution in an open-access fishery
Harald Bergland,
Evgenii Burlakov,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
John Andreas Wyller
Aquaculture, pollution and fishery - dynamics of marine industrial interactions
Ecological Complexity : An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical Ecology 2020
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Trafikksikkerhet og regulering av godstransport på veg
Fagbokforlaget 2020
Harald Bergland,
John Andreas Wyller,
Evgenii Burlakov
Pasture-livestock dynamics with density-dependent harvest and changing environment
Natural Resource Modeling 2019
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Efficiency and traffic safety with pay for performance in road transportation
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2019
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
John Andreas Wyller
Accumulated marine pollution and fishery dynamics
Ecological Complexity : An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical Ecology 2019
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
The design and implementation of driving time regulation
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 21. september 2018
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
John Andreas Wyller
Stable and unstable equilibrium states in a fishery-aquaculture model
Natural Resource Modeling 2018
Harald Bergland
Gyldendal Akademisk 2014
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Risk attitudes and individual transferable quotas
Marine Resource Economics 2006
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Derek J. Clark,
Harald Bergland
History-dependent quantity regulation
Journal of Economics 2004
Harald Bergland,
Derek John Clark,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Rent-seeking and quota regulation of a renewable resource
Resource and Energy Economics 2002
Harald Bergland,
Derek J. Clark,
Pål Pedersen
Rent Seeking and the Regulation of a Natural Resource
Marine Resource Economics 2001
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Faktorinnsatsen i fiske under ulike kvoteregimer
Norsk Økonomisk Tidsskrift 2000
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Catch Regulation and Accident Risk: The Moral Hazard of Fisheries’ Management
Marine Resource Economics 1997
Harald Bergland
Lott eller hyre? Om fordelingskontrakter i fiske.
Norsk økonomisk tidsskrift 1990
Harald Bergland
Hva er samfunnsøkonomi?
Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2016
Kristin Magnussen,
Henrik Lindhjem,
Claire W. Armstrong,
Harald Bergland,
Eirik Inge Mikkelsen,
Rasmus Reinvang
Økosystemtjenester i Barentshavet-Lofoten: Samfunnsmessige verdier og avveininger
Harald Bergland,
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Pål Andreas Pedersen
Different attitudes towards risk and individual traserable qoutas
Harald Bergland,
Derek J. Clark,
Pål Pedersen
Rent-seeking and quota regulation of a renewable ressource
Pål Andreas Pedersen,
Harald Bergland
Resultatavlønning : en drøfting av ulike lønnssystem med eksempler fra fiske
? 1999
Harald Bergland
Sharing the catch. Five essays on pay determination and regulation in Norwegian fishing industry.