Bilde av Birkelund, Gunnar
Bilde av Birkelund, Gunnar
Førsteamanuensis Handelshøgskolen ved UiT i Alta +4778450458 97126712 Alta

Gunnar Birkelund

  • Gunnar Birkelund :
    Toward understanding three phases of individual responses to paradox
    Baltic Journal of Management 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gunnar Birkelund :
    Resourceful sensemaking between different cultural change orientations
    Fagbokforlaget 2005
  • Gunnar Birkelund :
    Exploring individuals' responses to paradox
  • Gunnar Birkelund :
    Approaches to coping with paradox in the change process
    2008 OMTALE
  • Gunnar Birkelund :
    Strategic issue diagnosis as a cultural process of paradox and unobtrusive power
    2004 OMTALE
  • Gunnar Birkelund :
    Strategiske utfordringer sett som paradokser
  • Gunnar Birkelund :
    Leading Strategic Change: Challenges in the Study of Paradox and Ambiguity

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