Natia Skhvitaridze,
Amiran Gamkrelidze,
Erik Eik Anda,
Tormod Ola Brenn,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Tinatin Manjavidze
Anemia during pregnancy and adverse maternal outcomes in Georgia–A birth registry-based cohort study
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Nona Ephadze,
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Erik Eik Anda,
Nino Dzotsenidze,
Rusudan Shavishvili
Time-trends of blood lead levels from 2020 to 2023 in pregnant and breastfeeding women from Adjara, Georgia—A birth registry-based study
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2025
Thibault Fiolet,
Geneviève Nicolas,
Corinne Casagrande,
Zsuzsanna Horvath,
Pauline Frenoy,
Elisabete Weiderpass Vainio
Dietary intakes of dioxins and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and mortality: EPIC cohort study in 9 European countries
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2024
Giovanni Allaoui,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Ole Martin Fuskevåg,
Guri Grimnes,
Maria Averina,
Tom Wilsgaard
Longitudinal assessment of classic and 11-oxygenated androgen concentrations and their association with type 2 diabetes mellitus development: the Tromsø study
Ana Aslanikashvili,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Amiran Gamkrelidze,
Davit Baliashvili,
Erik Eik Anda
Relationship Between Hepatitis C Infection and Treatment Status and Coronavirus Disease 2019-Related Hospitalizations in Georgia
Journal of Infectious Diseases 2024
Natia Skhvitaridze,
Amiran Gamkrelidze,
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Tormod Ola Brenn,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander
SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy and the risk of adverse maternal outcomes in the Republic of Georgia: a national birth registry-based cohort study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2024
Marit Katinka Busund,
Giske Ursin,
Tore Eiliv Lund,
Sairah Lai Fa Chen,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander
Menopausal hormone therapy and incidence, mortality, and survival of breast cancer subtypes: a prospective cohort study
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Ingvild Hersoug Nedberg,
Maia Kerselidze,
Erik Eik Anda
Quality of registration of antenatal, intrapartum, and newborn information in the Georgian birth registry
Archives of Public Health 2024
Lara Cioni,
Merle Plassmann,
Jonathan P. Benskin,
Ana Carolina Coelho,
Therese Haugdahl Nøst,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander
Fluorine Mass Balance, including Total Fluorine, Extractable Organic Fluorine, Oxidizable Precursors, and Target Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, in Pooled Human Serum from the Tromsø Population in 1986, 2007, and 2015
Environmental Science and Technology 2023
Nia Khachidze,
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Erik Eik Anda,
Ingvild Hersoug Nedberg,
Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander
The impact of COVID-19-related restrictions on pregnancy and abortion rates in the Republic of Georgia
BMC Health Services Research 2023
Dolley Charles,
Vivian Berg,
Therese Haugdahl Nøst,
Tom Wilsgaard,
Ingvar A. Bergdahl,
Sandra Huber
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in type 2 diabetes mellitus cases and controls: Repeated measurements prior to and after diagnosis
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2023
Eliska Selinger,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Guri Skeie
Dietary patterns in relation to incidence rate of pancreatic cancer – the Norwegian women and cancer cohort study
Food & Nutrition Research (FNR) 2023
Elise Marlen Paulsen,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Magritt Brustad,
Torill Miriam Enget Jensen
Pre-diagnostic intake of vitamin D and incidence of colorectal cancer by anatomical subsites: the Norwegian Women and Cancer Cohort Study (NOWAC)
British Journal of Nutrition 2023
Ana Carolina Miranda Fernandes Coelho,
Lara Cioni,
Wendy van Dreunen,
Vivian Berg,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Ilona Halva Urbarova
Legacy perfluoroalkyl acids and their oxidizable precursors in plasma samples of Norwegian women
Environment International 2023
Catalina Bonet,
Marta Crous-Bou,
Konstantinos K. Tsilidis,
Marc J. Gunter,
Rudolf Kaaks,
Matthias B. Schulze
The association between body fatness and mortality among breast cancer survivors: results from a prospective cohort study
European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) 2023
Nikita Baiju,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Pål Sætrom,
Torkjel M Sandanger,
Therese Haugdahl Nøst
Associations of gene expression in blood with BMI and weight changes among women in the Norwegian Women and Cancer postgenome cohort
Marit Katinka Busund,
Giske Ursin,
Eiliv Lund,
Tom Wilsgaard,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander
Trajectories of body mass index in adulthood and risk of subtypes of postmenopausal breast cancer
Giovanni Allaoui,
Charlotta Rylander,
Ole Martin Fuskevåg,
Maria Averina,
Tom Wilsgaard,
Magritt Brustad
Longitudinal changes in vitamin D concentrations and the association with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Tromsø Study
Acta Diabetologica 02. desember 2022
Nathalie Kliemann,
Romain Ould Ammar,
Carine Biessy,
Audrey Gicquiau,
Verena Katzke,
Rudolf Kaaks
Metabolically Defined Body Size Phenotypes and Risk of Endometrial Cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2022
Marko Lukic,
Idlir Licaj,
Maarit A. Laaksonen,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch,
Charlotta Rylander
The burden of colon cancer attributable to modifiable factors—The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
International Journal of Cancer 2022
Thibault Fiolet,
Corinne Casagrande,
Geneviève Nicolas,
Zsuzsanna Horvath,
Pauline Frenoy,
Elisabete Weiderpass
Dietary intakes of dioxins and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and breast cancer risk in 9 European countries
Environment International 2022
Ingvild Hersoug Nedberg,
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Charlotta Rylander,
Ellen Blix,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad,
Erik Eik Anda
Changes in cesarean section rates after introduction of a punitive financial policy in Georgia: A population-based registry study 2017-2019
Daniela Mariosa,
Karl Smith-Byrne,
Tom G. Richardson,
Pietro Ferrari,
Marc J. Gunter,
Nikos Papadimitriou
Body Size at Different Ages and Risk of 6 Cancers: A Mendelian Randomization and Prospective Cohort Study
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2022
Anja M. Sedlmeier,
Vivian Viallon,
Pietro Ferrari,
Laia Peruchet-Noray,
Emma Fontvieille,
Amina Amadou
Body shape phenotypes of multiple anthropometric traits and cancer risk: a multi-national cohort study
British Journal of Cancer 2022
Giovanni Allaoui,
Charlotta Rylander,
Maria Averina,
Tom Wilsgaard,
Ole Martin Fuskevåg,
Vivian Berg
Longitudinal changes in blood biomarkers and their ability to predict type 2 diabetes mellitus—The Tromsø study
Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism 2022
Dolley Charles,
Vivian Berg,
Therese Haugdahl Nøst,
Ingvar A. Bergdahl,
Sandra Huber,
Pierre Ayotte
Longitudinal changes in concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (1986–2016) and their associations with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Hadrien Charvat,
Heinz Freisling,
Hwayoung Noh,
Mia M. Gaudet,
Marc J. Gunter,
Amanda J. Cross
Excess Body Fatness during Early to Mid-Adulthood and Survival from Colorectal and Breast Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of Five International Cohort Studies
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 2022
Therese H. Nøst,
Marit Holden,
Tom Dønnem,
Hege Bøvelstad,
Charlotta Rylander,
Eiliv Lund
Transcriptomic signals in blood prior to lung cancer focusing on time to diagnosis and metastasis
Antoine Alvarez,
Kristin Benjaminsen Borch,
Charlotta Rylander
Reproductive Factors, Use of Exogenous
Hormones, and Pancreatic Cancer Incidence: The
Norwegian Women and Cancer Study
Merete Ellingjord-Dale,
Sofia Christakoudi,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Salvatore Panico,
Laure Dossus,
Anja Olsen
Long-term weight change and risk of breast cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study
International Journal of Epidemiology 2021
Miquel Porta,
Magda Gasull,
José Pumarega,
Hannu Kiviranta,
Panu Rantakokko,
Ole Raaschou-Nielsen
Plasma concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and pancreatic cancer risk
International Journal of Epidemiology 2021
Vivian Berg,
Dolley Charles,
Ingvar A. Bergdahl,
Therese Haugdahl Nøst,
Torkjel M Sandanger,
Andreas Tornevi
Pre- and post-diagnostic blood profiles of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants and metabolic markers in type 2 diabetes mellitus cases and controls; a pilot study
Environmental Research 09. februar 2021
Silvia Pastorino,
Tom Bishop,
Stephen J. Sharp,
Matthew Pearce,
Tasnime Akbaraly,
Natalia B. Barbieri
Heterogeneity of Associations between Total and Types of Fish Intake and the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: Federated Meta-Analysis of 28 Prospective Studies Including 956,122 Participants
Jessica E Laine,
Inge Huybrechts,
Marc J Gunter,
Pietro Ferrari,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Kostas Tsilidis
Co-benefits from sustainable dietary shifts for population and environmental health: an assessment from a large European cohort study
The Lancet Planetary Health 2021
Marisa Eleonor da Silva,
Maarit A. Laaksonen,
Lauren Lissner,
Elisabete Weiderpass,
Charlotta Rylander
Preventable fractions of cancer incidence attributable to 7-years weight gain in the Norwegian Women and Cancer (NOWAC) study
Reynalda Cordova,
Nathalie Kliemann,
Inge Huybrechts,
Fernanda Rauber,
Eszter P. Vamos,
Renata Bertazzi Levy
Consumption of ultra-processed foods associated with weight gain and obesity in adults: A multi-national cohort study
Catalina Londono,
Valerie Cayssials,
Izar de Villasante,
Marta Crous-Bou,
Augustin Scalbert,
Elisabete Weiderpass
Polyphenol Intake and Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study
Vivian Berg,
Torkjel M Sandanger,
Linda Hanssen,
Charlotta Rylander,
Therese Haugdahl Nøst
Time trends of perfluoroalkyl substances in blood in 30-year old Norwegian men and women in the period 1986–2007
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Erik Eik Anda,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad,
Nata Kazakhashvili
The impact of antenatal care utilization on admissions to neonatal intensive care units and perinatal mortality in Georgia
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Erik Eik Anda,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad,
Nata Kazakhashvili
Unattended Pregnancies and Perinatal Mortality in Georgia
Risk Mangement and Healthcare Policy 2020
Sofia Christakoudi,
Panagiota Pagoni,
Pietro Ferrari,
Amanda J Cross,
Ioanna Tzoulaki,
David C. Muller
Weight change in middle adulthood and risk of cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort
International Journal of Cancer 2020
Tanja Lise Sollberger,
Oxana Gavrilyuk,
Charlotta Rylander
Excess body weight and incidence of type 1 and type 2 endometrial cancer: The norwegian women and cancer study
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Charlotta Rylander,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad,
Nata Kazakhashvili,
Erik Eik Anda
Unattended Pregnancies and Perinatal Mortality in Georgia
Risk Mangement and Healthcare Policy 2020
Ingvild Hersoug Nedberg,
Charlotta Rylander,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad,
Ellen Blix,
Tamar Ugulava,
Erik Eik Anda
Factors Associated with Cesarean Section among Primiparous Women in Georgia: A Registry-based Study
Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health (JEGH) 2020
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Charlotta Rylander,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad,
Nata Kazakhashvili,
Erik Eik Anda
The impact of antenatal care utilization on admissions to neonatal intensive care units and perinatal mortality in Georgia
Dolley Charles,
Vivian Berg,
Therese Haugdahl Nøst,
Sandra Huber,
Torkjel M Sandanger,
Charlotta Rylander
Pre- and post-diagnostic blood profiles of perfluoroalkyl acids in type 2 diabetes mellitus cases and controls
Environment International 2020
Tinatin Manjavidze,
Erik Eik Anda,
Karin Charlotta Maria Rylander,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad,
Nata Kazakhashvili
Incidence and Causes of Perinatal Mortality in Georgia
Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health (JEGH) 2019
Therese Haugdahl Nøst,
Vivian Berg,
Linda Hanssen,
Charlotta Rylander,
Eric Gaudreau,
Pierre Dumas
Time trends of persistent organic pollutants in 30 year olds sampled in 1986, 1994, 2001 and 2007 in Northern Norway: measurements, mechanistic modeling and a
comparison of study designs