Amar Aganovic,
Jarek Kurnitski,
Pawel Wargocki
A quanta-independent approach for the assessment of strategies to reduce the risk of airborne infection
Science of the Total Environment 2024
Džana Kadrić,
Amar Aganovic,
Edin Kadrić
Multi-objective optimization of energy-efficient retrofitting strategies for single-family residential homes: Minimizing energy consumption, CO2 emissions and retrofit costs
Amar Aganovic
pH-dependent endocytosis mechanisms for influenza A and SARS-coronavirus
Frontiers in Microbiology 2023
Jarek Kurnitski,
Martin Kiil,
Alo Mikola,
Karl-Villem Võsa,
Amar Aganovic,
Peter G. Schild
Post-COVID ventilation design: Infection risk-based target ventilation rates and point source ventilation effectiveness
Amar Aganovic,
Edin Kadric
Does the exponential Wells–Riley model provide a good fit for human coronavirus and rhinovirus? A comparison of four dose–response models based on human challenge data
Jibola Obafemi Owolabi,
Hassan Khawaja,
Amar Aganovic
Comparative Evaluation of Four RANS Turbulence Models for Aerosol Dispersion from a Cough
Bahadir Erman Yuce,
Amar Aganovic,
Peter Vilhelm Nielsen,
Pawel Wargocki
Analysis of parameters influencing pathogen concentration in a room with displacement ventilation using computational fluid dynamics and Taguchi methods
Journal of Building Engineering 2023
Amar Aganovic,
Guangyu Cao,
Pawel Wargocki,
Jarek Kurnitski
New dose-response model and SARS-CoV-2 quanta emission rates for calculating the long-range airborne infection risk
Building and Environment 2022
Amar Aganovic,
Yang Bi,
Guangyu Cao,
Jarek Kurnitski,
Pawel Wargocki
Modeling the impact of indoor relative humidity on the airborne transmission of several respiratory viruses risk using a modified Wells-Riley model
TU Delft OPEN Publishing 2022
Džana Kadrić,
Amar Aganovic,
Edin Kadrić,
Berina Delalić-Gurda,
Steven Jackson
Applying the response surface methodology to predict the energy retrofit performance of the TABULA residential building stock
Journal of Building Engineering 2022
Yang Bi,
Amar Aganovic,
Hans Martin Mathisen,
Guangyu Cao
Experimental study on the exposure level of surgical staff to SARS-CoV-2 in operating rooms with mixing ventilation under negative pressure
Amar Aganovic,
Guangyu Cao,
Jarek Kurnitski,
Arsen Melikov,
Pawel Wargocki
Zonal modeling of air distribution impact on the long-range airborne transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2
Applied Mathematical Modelling 2022
Amar Aganovic,
Yang Bi,
Guangyu Cao,
Jarek Kurnitski,
Pawel Wargocki
Modeling the impact of indoor relative humidity on the infection risk of five respiratory airborne viruses
Džana Kadrić,
Amar Aganovic,
Sandra Martinović,
Nijaz Delalić,
Berina Delalić-Gurda
Cost-related analysis of implementing energy-efficient retrofit measures in the residential building sector of a middle-income country – A case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Amar Aganovic,
Guangyu Cao,
Tomáš Fečer,
Bengt L. Ljungqvist,
Birgitta Lytsy,
Andreas Radtke
Ventilation design conditions associated with airborne bacteria levels within the wound area during surgical procedures: a systematic review
Journal of Hospital Infection 2021
Sasan Sadrizadeh,
Amar Aganovic,
Anna Bogdan,
Cong Wang,
Alireza Afshari,
Anne Hartmann
A systematic review of operating room ventilation
Journal of Building Engineering 2021
Amar Aganovic,
Yang Bi,
Guangyu Cao,
Finn Drangsholt,
Jarek Kurnitski,
Pawel Wargocki
Estimating the impact of indoor relative humidity on SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission risk using a new modification of the Wells-Riley model
Building and Environment 2021
Zhu Cheng,
Amar Aganovic,
Guangyu Cao,
Zhongming Bu
Experimental and simulated evaluations of airborne contaminant exposure in a room with a modified localized laminar airflow system
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021
Yang Bi,
Frida Josefine Heggebø,
Trond Thorgeir Harsem,
Hans Martin Mathisen,
Amar Aganovic,
Guangyu Cao
Experimental Study on the Surgical Microenvironment in an Operating Room with Mixing Ventilation under Positive and Negative Pressure
Zhu Cheng,
Guangyu Cao,
Amar Aganovic,
Baizhan Li
Experimental study of the interaction between thermal plumes and human breathing in an undisturbed indoor environment
Amar Aganovic,
Marie Steffensen,
Guangyu Cao
CFD study of the air distribution and occupant draught sensation in a patient ward equipped with protected zone ventilation
Building and Environment 2019
Amar Aganovic,
Guangyu Cao
Evaluation of airborne contaminant exposure in a single-bed isolation ward equipped with a protected occupied zone ventilation system
Indoor and Built Environment 2019
Amar Aganovic,
Guangyu Cao,
Liv-Inger Stenstad,
Jan Gunnar Skogås
An experimental study on the effects of positioning medical equipment on contaminant exposure of a patient in an operating room with unidirectional downflow
Building and Environment 2019
Guangyu Cao,
Madeleine C. A. Storås,
Amar Aganovic,
Liv-Inger Stenstad,
Jan Gunnar Skogås
Do surgeons and surgical facilities disturb the clean air distribution close to a surgical patient in an orthopedic operating room with laminar airflow?
American Journal of Infection Control 2018
Amar Aganovic,
Guangyu Cao,
Liv-Inger Stenstad,
Jan Gunnar Skogås
Impact of surgical lights on the velocity distribution and airborne contamination level in an operating room with laminar airflow system
Building and Environment 2017
Amar Aganovic,
Guangyu Cao,
Jarek Kurnitski,
Pawel Wargocki
Corrigendum to “New dose-response model and SARS-CoV-2 quanta emission rates for calculating the long-range airborne infection risk” [Build. Environ. 228 (2023) 109924] (S0360132322011544), (10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109924)
Building and Environment 2024
Amar Aganovic,
Pawel Wargocki,
Guangyu Cao,
Lidia Morawska,
Alex Mikszewski,
Giorgio Buonanno
Comparative assessment of airborne infection risk tools in enclosed spaces: Implications for disease control
Infectious Disease Modelling 28. november 2024
Jibola Obafemi Owolabi,
Sushmit Dhar,
Manaf Muhammed,
Hassan Abbas Khawaja,
Amar Aganovic,
Muhammad Shakeel Virk
Investigating RANS Turbulence Models for Predicting Airflow Dispersion in Enclosed Environments: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation
Jibola Obafemi Owolabi,
Hassan Khawaja,
Amar Aganovic
Comparative Evaluation of Four RANS Turbulence Models for Aerosol Dispersion from a Cough
Jibola Obafemi Owolabi,
Hassan Khawaja,
Amar Aganovic
Comparing RANS with LES - AMR Study in Indoor Bio-aerosol Transmission
Guangyu Cao,
Hans Martin Mathisen,
Amar Aganovic
Soneventilasjon for beskyttelse mot luftbårne smittestoffer i sykehus
Norsk VVS 2020
Guangyu Cao,
Madeleine C. A. Storås,
Amar Aganovic,
Liv-Inger Stenstad,
Jan Gunnar Skogås
Experimental measurements of thermal plumes from a patient in an operating
room with laminar airflow at St. Olavs Hospital
Amar Aganovic,
Mathieu Hamon,
Jakub Kolarik,
Guangyu Cao
Indoor air quality in mechanically ventilated residential dwellings/low-rise buildings: A review/analysis of existing information
Guangyu Cao,
Amar Aganovic,
Liv-Inger Stenstad,
Jan Gunnar Skogås,
Hans Martin Mathisen
Experimental study of the effect of operation lamps on downward airflow distribution in an operating theatre in St. Olavs Hospital in Norway
Marie Steffensen,
Amar Aganovic,
Guangyu Cao
Experimental study of the airflow distribution close to the human body with a downward plane jet