students standing in a ring and showing the peace sign to the camera

FAQs about admission

Non-EU/EEA applicantsThe application portal for international degree students starting autumn 2024 opens on October 15th 2023, and the application deadline is November 15th 2023.

EU/EEA and Swiss applicantsThe application portal for international degree students starting autumn 2024 opens on February 1st 2024, and the admission deadline is March 1st 2024.


  • Fine Arts Master: Application deadline March 1st for all applicants.
  • Landscape Architecture Master: Application deadline March 1st for all applicants.

General information

Non-EU/EEA applicantsThe application portal for international degree students starting autumn 2024 opens on October 15th 2023, and the application deadline is November 15th 2023.

EU/EEA and Swiss applicantsThe application portal for international degree students starting autumn 2024 opens on February 1st 2024, and the admission deadline is March 1st 2024.


  • Fine Arts Master: Application deadline March 1st for all applicants.
  • Landscape Architecture Master: Application deadline March 1st for all applicants.

We do not offer admission to the spring semester for international applicants. 

You can find the deadlines and other useful information about applying and admission by choosing your level of study on the "How to Apply" page.
When your application is successfully registered, you will receive a receipt for your application to your registered email address. 

No. To date the university does not offer scholarships or other forms of financing for full degree students.
However, if you choose to undertake studies in Norway you may be eligible for other forms of loans or financing.
These include:

  • Erasmus+ grants or other financing for exchange students from partner institutions. See Student Exchange for more information
  • Study loan from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund for full degree applicants who meet one of the eligibility requirements stipulated by the fund.

If you are in one of the groups identified by the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund, you may apply after you are admitted to UiT.

No. It is free to submit your application.

The Norwegian Government made a decision to introduce tuition fees for international students coming from outside of EU/EEA and Switzerland from the academic year 2023/2024, starting in August 2023.

More information here.

​In addition: If you are a non-EU/EEA applicant you must be able to document "financial ability" in order to obtain a study permit and travel to Norway.
This means that you must show that you have enough money to cover the cost of living in Norway for at least one year. This is a requirement of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).
The amount for the study year is NOK 137 907. The amount is subject to change. ​Updated information about study permits is always available on UDI's website.

All degree students at UiT the Arctic University of Norway must pay the semester registration fee each semester. This fee covers administrative costs and contributes to student welfare services.
You do not have to pay the semester until after you have accepted your offer, received your welcome letter and activated your student account.
The semester fee is currently NOK 710 per semester. For non-EU/EEA applicants the semester fee for the first two semesters is included in the tuition fee.

No. All prospective students must apply for admission to UiT by submitting an online application on Søknadsweb

UiT does not evaluate if credits can be transferred to your studies at UiT before admission. Once you are admitted as a student, you can consult with your study coordinator about the possibility of transferring credits taken during your previous study.

No, unfortunately we do not have the capacity to assess your eligibility for admission to the Master's degree programme you want to apply to.

We encourage all prospective students to apply if they believe they fulfill the admission requirements.

If you are an applicant outside the EU/EEA: No. If the studies you are currently undertaking form the basis of your application for admission you must be able to document that you have completed and passed these within the deadline for submission of documentation. Conditional admission is not possible for applicants that must apply for student visa, as this might not be accepted by The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration when you apply for student visa. We do not accept provisional certificates.

If you are an applicant from within the EU/EEA: Yes, but only for admission to masters degree programmes. 
You must let us know that you are undertaking studies that create the basis of your application for admission so that we know to wait for your complete documentation. 

Non-EU/EEA applicantsThe application portal for international degree students starting autumn 2024 opens on October 15th 2023, and the application deadline is November 15th 2023.

EU/EEA and Swiss applicantsThe application portal for international degree students starting autumn 2024 opens on February 1st 2024, and the admission deadline is March 1st 2024.


  • Fine Arts Master: Application deadline March 1st for all applicants.
  • Landscape Architecture Master: Application deadline March 1st for all applicants. 

Please note: This page relates specifically to programmes taught in English and aimed at the international market. Different deadlines may apply for applicants to the central admissions authority.
Programmes offered through central admissions require Norwegian language qualifications.

No, not to degree programmes. All international degree programmes at UiT the Arctic University of Norway admit students in the autumn, with commencement in August.

For Nordic and EU/EEA applicants it is possible to apply for single courses on masters and ph.d. level both in the fall and sprig semester. More information here.
Exchange students can apply for packages and individual courses in the spring semester. Find out m​ore about student exchange here.

No. We do not decline your application because you already have another degree in the same field. 

Documenting your qualifications

The deadline to submit all required documents to your application is the same as the application deadline of the programme you are applying to.

Note: If you have not obtained all the required documentation previously, it may take time. For some applicant groups, documents must be sent directly from previous educational institutions.
Passports can also take time to process. Start organising your documentation as soon as you know you want to apply to study in Norway.

Yes. You should upload your documentation to the online application portal, where you submitted your application for admission. Documentation includes diplomas, transcripts, English language test results etc.
Applicants from some countries are required to submit documentation in hard copy. Check if this conserns you. Documentation submitted by post, should be sent to:

Admissions Office
UiT the Arctic University of Norway
Postboks 6050 Langnes

9037 Tromsø, Norway

How to submit a successful application

This depends on where you obtained your educational qualifications. An overview of the documents you need to submit is provided on the "How to apply" pages for undergraduates and graduates.
You will usually be required to upload copies of the following documents:

  • enclosure form (all applicants)
  • your secondary school diplomas and transcripts (the document that shows your grades and credit points for each course).
  • any relevant tertiary diplomas and transcripts
  • copy of your passport, or other valid ID-documents (all applicants)
  • documents showing change of name (if relevant)
  • proof of English proficiency if stipulated in the country requirements provided by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.
  • proof of financial ability (non-EU applicants)
  • CV (all applicants)

- motivational letter/statement of purpose, documents of work experience or other additional documents might be required to some programmes. Please read the admission requirements to the programme you wish to apply to. 

Note: You must also provide approved translations of documents that are not written in English or a Scandinavian language. You can not translate the documents yourself.

Yes, to indicate which documentation you are sending, you must submit our enclosure form. You can download the enclosure form from the "How to apply" pages. The enclosure form helps us to understand your documentation. It will also help you understand what documents you must submit to your application. You only have to submit pages 1 and 2 of the enclosure form, page number 3 is for your information. 

Yes. When you submit a new document, you will receive an automatically generated receipt for your document to your registered email address. 
However, it is also possible to check that your documentation has been uploaded successfully by logging into the online application portal, under "My documents".

​​No. The deadlines for submission of documentation are absolute. Your application for admission will be rejected if we do not receive the correct and complete documentation within the given deadline. This also includes the results of the English language test.
The deadlines ensure that we can assess your qualifications and provide an offer of admission (if relevant) in time for you to plan your trip to Norway, including any permit applications or housing requirements.

Tip: If you have not obtained all the required documentation previously, it may take time. For some applicant groups, documents must be sent directly from previous educational institutions. Passports can also take time to process. Do not wait until after you have applied to organise documentation. Start as soon as you know you want to apply to study in Norway.​

When we process your application, we lock your documents to prevent them from being deleted. This means that you can delete documents right after uploading them, but it is not possible to delete documents when we have started processing your application. 

The deadeline to submit any documents is the same as the application deadline. Documents submitted after the application deadline will not be included in the assessment of the application.

Admission requirements

The specific admission requirements to each programme is listed on the programme site. You will find your programme in the english study catalouge. 

If the programme you are looking for is only listed in the Norwegian study catalouge, you must meet the Norwegian language requirements to apply.

Yes. The general admission requirements (average grade requirements) stipulate the minimum requirements for admission.

However, we may receive a large number of applications that exceed our minimum standard.
This means that you are not guaranteed entry even though you meet the minimum requirements.

No. As long as you meet the admission requirements, you are welcome to apply for admission, regardless of age.

The special admissions requirements refer to Norwegian educational qualifications.
If you have educational qualifications from another country, the admissions office and responsible faculty will assess whether your qualifications are equivalent to Norwegian educational requirements, in accordance with national guidelines.
This happens after you apply, and after you have submitted all required documents. As a general rule, we do not pre assess your documents. Your application will be considered after the application deadline, when your application is complete. 
To ensure that the faculty is able to assess your qualifications accurately, it is important that you provide full and legible documentation of your educational qualifications. This includes approved translations of documents that are not available in English or a Scandinavian language, in accordance with our documentation requirements.

You do not need to know Norwegian if the programme you are applying for is taught in English (teaching language is also specified on the study programme page).
If you wish to apply for a programme or course taught in Norwegian then you will have to fulfil the Norwegian language requirements.

English language requirements

There are no preparatory courses in English available at our University. More information on English language requirements on this site: " How to apply".

No. We do not accept DuoLingo English as documentation of English proficiency.

As a rule, no. As long as you meet the educational requirements specified in the country list provided by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), you will not be required to provide proof of English proficiency.
You can check the qualifications requirements for your country by following these steps:
1. Go to the GSU list on NOKUT's website 
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, choose your country and select search
3. You will now see the requirements for English and basic education under the search.

If you are submitting an IELTS test to document English language proficiency we require the overall band score.

  • For admission to short programmes the current minimum score requirement is 5.0.
  • For admission to bachelor degree programmes the current minimum score requirement is 6.0
  • For admission to master degree programmes the current minimum score requirement is 6.5

Please note: For some of our programmes you have to meet the minimum score for each module. 

The test expires after two years from the test date. The test must be valid on the application deadline. 

Certain applicants are exempted from the requirement of English test in the country list. 

More information in our list of exemptions

Result of admission

International applicants that applied by the deadline of November 15th or March 1st, will receive the results of their applications by the first week in May.

Congratulations! Welcome to our university. To accept your offer and start planning, visit our website "After admission​".

If you have received notification that you are on the waiting list, it means that you may be offered admission if one of the other applicants rejects their offer. If you wish to stay on the waiting list, you must accept the offer to stay on the waiting list before the deadline for acceptanse has passed. 
Once the deadline for acceptance of admission offers has passed, the admissions office will review the intake to see if there are any places available for those on the waiting list.
If a place is available for you, you will receive a formal offer of admission. If not, you will continue to stay on the waiting list until you either get an offer of admission, or the admission process is finished. 
More information for unsuccessful applicants is provided below under "My application was rejected".

There are a number of reasons why UiT rejects applications.

If you lacked documentation or submitted your documentation late, it means that you sent incorrect or insufficient documentation, or did not adhere to the given deadlines.
The university enforces strict rules and deadlines for submission of documentation relating to identity and qualifications.
If this is the case, you must wait until the next intake to apply again. We recommend obtaining all necessary documentation for admission well before the admissions deadline.

If you were not qualified, it means that you do not have the academic foundation required for admission to the course.
In this case, you can consider applying for a different course at the next intake, or taking further studies before the next intake to increase your chances of being admitted.

If you were qualified, but did not attain the necessary rank for admission, it means that you had the formal academic foundation but your grades were not good enough to compete with other applicants in the admissions round.
This usually applies to programmes with a large number of applicants, and a limited number of places available. In this case, you can consider taking additional studies before the next intake to improve your grades, or applying for a different course at the next intake.

If you believe an error has been made in the assessment of your application, you may appeal the decision within the given deadline. See below for the rules that apply to appeals.

If your application is rejected, or if you are put on a waiting list due to limited number of places available, you have the right to ask for grounds of rejection and appeal the decision. More information on "How to appeal".

All communication regarding applications should be directed to the Admissions Office at UiT (see contact information below).
Programme and course coordinators can answer questions about academic content, however academic staff do not accept enquiries regarding the admissions process.
All enquires regarding the progress of applications or the outcome of an admissions round will be directed to the Admissions Office at UiT.

Still have questions?

Contact the Admissions Office
By phone: + 47 77 64 55 90 Monday- Friday 10:00 - 14:00 (Closed for lunch 11:30-12:00)

By e-mail: