Webinar: Queer Epistemicide? Anti-gender knowledge politics and attacks on SOGIE rights

Dr. Haley McEwen reflects upon findings in the SAIH report on the anti-gender backlash (webinar with registration)

Illustration from cover photo of SAIH-report, photo credit: Divyakant Solanki.
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Dr. Haley McEwen is author of a SAIH-report: Un/knowing & un/doing sexuality & gender diversity: The global anti-gender movement against SOGIE rights and academic freedom (Oslo, 10 March, Facebook).

Unfortunately she had to cancel her planned visit to Tromsø, now she will be with us on a webinar on 06 May to reflect upon her findings.

SAIH campaign: The Domino-effect

McEwen is researcher at The Wits Centre for Diversity Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

In this talk, McEwen will analyse the anti-gender movement and its efforts to discredit gender studies as a legitimate field of academic research. The notion of ‘epistemicide’, which has been articulated within decolonial philosophy as a mechanism of geo-political conquest and domination, is used to understand efforts by anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-feminist advocacy to delegitimise queer bodies and through the discrediting of queer and feminist knowledges.

This event is co-hosted by SAIH and the Contemporary Gender Research Group at the Centre for Women's and Gender Research, UiT.


Når: 06.05.20 kl 13.15–14.30
Hvor: Webinar
Sted: Digitalt
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Inviterte
Kontakt: Ellen Marie Jensen
E-post: ellen.marie.jensen@uit.no

Frist: 05.05.2020
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