Bacteria have a new mortal enemy: DNA

We all know about DNA. It lives inside every cell in our bodies and shapes who we are and how we look. But what if we could use it as a tool against bacteria?

DNA – that ancient wonder material that we are all made of – just might be one of our new weapons in the fight against antibiotic resistant bacteria. Foto: Jan Fredrik Frantzen/Adobe Firefly
Portrettbilde av Antunes de Sousa, Alexandra Sofia
Antunes de Sousa, Alexandra Sofia
Publisert: 05.01.24 13:28 Oppdatert: 05.01.24 13:33
Helse og velferd Naturvitenskap

As we know, the resistance that bacteria have against our antibiotics is growing at an alarming rate. To make it even worse, these microorganisms have the capacity to form biofilms, where bacteria band together in groups and produce a sticky substance that protects them from external threats like antibiotics.

Imagine them using biofilm much in the same way as when we build houses to protect us from the rain and cold.

To wipe out such bacterial infections, we have to find new tools to break into and destroy these biofilms. And now we have. Using a clever combination of DNA and nanotechnology we have found a way to conquer this «Chateau Bacteria».

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Kortnytt fra Institutt for farmasi
Antunes de Sousa, Alexandra Sofia