Stutee Tamrakar,
Liguo Chen,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Variation of Mean Radiant Temperature in Rooms for Summer and Winter Conditions
Fangfang Zhang,
Mingzhi Yu,
Bjørn R. Sørensen,
Ping Cui,
Wenke Zhang,
Zhaohong Fang
Heat extraction capacity and its attenuation of deep borehole heat exchanger array
Wenke Zhang,
Wenjing Li,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen,
Ping Cui,
Yi Man,
Mingzhi Yu
Comparative Analysis of Heat Transfer Performance of Coaxial Pipe and U-type Deep Borehole Heat Exchangers
Liguo Chen,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Modelling Multi-layer Hydronic Radiators
Svein Erik Sveen,
Hung Thanh Nguyen,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Soil Moisture Variations in Frozen Ground Subjected to Hydronic Heating
Journal of cold regions engineering 2020
Angui Li,
Risto Kosonen,
Arsen Melikov,
Bin Yang,
Thomas Olofsson,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Ventilation and environmental control of underground spaces: A short review
Yizhong Xu,
Mohamad Mustafa,
Rajnish K Calay,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Numerical study on the ventilation performance of a livestock house built in porous panels in Cold Regions
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2019
Mohamad Mustafa,
Yizhong Xu,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen,
Jose Santos,
Aziz Al-Mahadin
Control of airborne noise generated in the cavities of a T-slotted aluminum cylindrical column
Yizhong Xu,
Mohamad Mustafa,
Rajnish K Calay,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Numerical Simulation of Non-normal Wind Load on Porous Fences
Svein Erik Sveen,
Hung Thanh Nguyen,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Thaw penetration in frozen ground subjected to hydronic heating
Journal of cold regions engineering 22. september 2016
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen,
Hung Than Nguyen
Analytical model of capillary suction velocity of a pipe with multiple sizes
Advanced Materials Research 2013
Raymond Riise,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
The influence of oversized boilers on power efficiency, energy consumption and cost in energy flexible heat stations. Part 1
Applied Mechanics and Materials 2013
Raymond Riise,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
The influence of oversized boilers on power efficiency, energy consumption and cost in energy flexible heat stations. Part 2
Applied Mechanics and Materials 2013
Raymond Riise,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Integration of multiple in-house heat stations into one energy flexible heat system
Applied Mechanics and Materials 2013
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Heat transfer coefficients and dynamical thermal models for variable flow rates in pipes and ducts
Applied Mechanics and Materials 2013
Svein-Erik Sveen,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Establishment and Instrumentation of a Full Scale Laboratory for Thermal and Hygroscopic Investigations of Soil Behaviour in Cold Climates
Applied Mechanics and Materials 2013
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Energy efficient control of fans in ventilation systems
Andrey Varfolomeev,
Svein-Erik Sveen,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Monitoring of temperatures of a research wooden module house built in Archangel
COMADEM International 2011
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen,
Wei Cui
Suggestion for Industrialization Path of Biomass Energy [abstract]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Building Automation Systems
Raymond Riise,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Energy Requirements in Norwegian Technical Legislation
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Some Key Factors for Sustainable Energy Performance of Buildings in the High North
Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2011
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
An energy efficient control strategy for fan static pressure difference
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen,
Raymond Riise
Passive energy design of buildings : a review
Yizhong Xu,
Mohamad Mustafa,
Rajnish K Calay,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Numerical study of the effect of non-normal wind loads on a porous fences
Qusai Al-Hamdan,
Mohamad Mustafa,
Mohamad Awad,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Smart Gas Detection and Ventilation System for Enclosed Offshore Structures
Kamran Zaman,
Mohamad Mustafa,
Rajnish K Calay,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Intelligent Heat Energy Distribution System for Enclosed Structures in Cold Climate
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen,
Raymond Riise
Some Issues of Energy Performance and Management of Residential Buildings in Norway and North-west Russia
Raymond Riise,
Bjørnulf Jensen,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Energy flexible heat system for buildings by integration of in-house heat stations : Thesis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Environmental Challenges in North Norway [Powerpoint]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Bioenergi og fjernvarme - status og utfordringer [Powerpoint]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Sustainable energy [Powerpoint]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
An Energy Efficient Control Strategy for Fan Static Pressure Difference [Powerpoint]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Experiences from the Norwegian Module House in Arkhangelsk - an International Cooperation Project between NUC and NAFU [Powerpoint]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Varmepumper [og] Energieffektivisering
Ke Xu,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Evaluation of Existing DCV Control Strategies based on Building Types
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
HIN og russisk samarbeid innenfor energi [power point]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
HiN : den teknologiske høgskolen i Nord-Norge
Teknisk Ukeblad 2010
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Fremtidens byggutdanning ved HIN. [power point]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Towards sustainable energy use in buildings in the north. [Foredrag og power-point]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Faktorer for energieffektive bygg i fremtiden - tendenser. [power point]
Svein-Erik Sveen,
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Effective thawing of frozen ground : performance testing of a new thawing method based on hydronic heat (conduction). [Foredrag og poster]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen,
Raymond Riise
Bygg-/energiutdanningen ved HiN. [power point]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Energieffektive bygninger : et viktig bidrag til miljøet. [power point]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen,
Andrey Varfolomeev
Energy conservation in wooden houses in North West Russia
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
A model library for variable air volume ventilation systems. [Foredrag og power point]
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Indoor climate in buildings in cold climate areas
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen
Fremtiden har ikke store glassflater. [Intervju med Bjørn Reidar Sørensen]
10. mai 2010
Bjørn Reidar Sørensen,
Elisabeth Román
Våre nye miljøpionerer. [Intervju med Bjørn Reidar Sørensen og Elisabeth Roman]
10. mai 2010