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The process when standards of research ethics may have been breached

Cases where standards of research ethics may have been breached shall be settled and followed up at the unit (faculty or equivalent) where the subject/s of the report is an employee or student. At the opening of a case, possible conflicts of interest must be considered. If such is the case, the administrative procedure must be carried out at a superior level. In cases where two or more units are involved, they may ask the superior level to handle the case. 

The Research Ethics Committee at UiT may be asked to make statements on cases where there is doubt regarding whether research ethical norms have been breached. Both a party and/or an academic leader may request such a statement from the committee.

UiT have guidelines for the processing of questions regarding research ethics.

Do you suspect that standards of research ethics have been breached? Read more here on how to report

Updated: 10.11.2021, updated by: Majda Sojtaric
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