spring 2015
SVF-3108 Processing Field Experiences - 10 ECTS

Type of course

The course is compulsory for students admitted to the Master's programme in Visual Cultural Studies (VCS). It may not be taken as a singular course.

Course overlap

If you pass the examination in this course, you will get an reduction in credits (as stated below), if you previously have passed the following courses:

SVF-3103 Constructing Stories - Montage, Narration, Editing 10 stp
SVF-3103 Processing Field Experiences and Acquiring Analytical Perspectives 10 stp

Course content

The course is an exploration of qualitative research methodology and related theoretical social scientific approaches with an emphasis on audio-visual approaches. The teaching takes its point of departure in the students¿ own practical experiences during the mini fieldwork and the editing of the films conducted as part of the course SVF-3102. The main aim is to provide the students with theoretical and methodological perspectives relevant to their master research projects.

Recommended prerequisites

SVF-3101 Etnographic Film-making 1, SVF-3102 Etnographic Film-making 2

Objectives of the course

Students who successfully complete this course should have achieved the following learning outcomes:


  • know the main methodological challenges of qualitative research
  • know how to analyse the outputs of the team fieldwork.


  • be able to reflect on their own situatedness as researchers, e.g. through the notions of insider/outsider (the concepts of emic and etic)
  • be able to analyse own field experiences and relate them to literature on methods and methodology presented in this and previous courses
  • be able to reflect critically on the use of audio-visual tools as part of a methodological approach.

General competence

  • be able to critically evaluate their findings and demonstrate how methods form part of research
  • be able to demonstrate how methods are aspects of analytical approaches
  • be able to demonstrate how research methods (the acquisition of the conceptualizations of `the other¿) are also methods of dissemination.

Language of instruction and examination


Teaching methods

The course consists of approximately 20 hours of lectures according to a detailed plan. The course will run for 6 weeks.

Individual supervision is given in the process of writing the paper.


Course attendance is compulsory, i.e. only valid absences will be approved. A minimum participation of 80 % is required.



The final exam consists of a paper discussing questions of methodological interest based on experiences from the "mini-fieldwork" and the editing of the films conducted as part of SVF-3102. Approximate length: 10 pages (3500 words).


Marking is made according to a grading scale from A to F, where F is fail. A re-sit exam will be arranged for this course.

Recommended reading/syllabus

SVF-3108 Processing Field Experiences - Reading List - Spring 2015

@Agar, M. (2011) Making sense of one other for another: Ethnography as translation. Language and Communication, 31: 38-47. 10 p. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02715309/31/1

*Alvesson M. and Sköldberg K. (2009), Reflexive Methodology. New Vistas for Qualitative Research. 2nd edition. SAGE Publications Inc., London. (pp.1-109) ISBN 978-1-84860-112-3 145 p.

@ Assad, T. (1986) The Concept of Cultural Translation in British Social Anthropology. In Clifford J. and Marcus, G.E. (eds.) Writing Culture. University of California Press, Berkeley. 24 p. http://lcst3789.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/clifford-writing-culture.pdf


*Geertz, C. (1973, 2006) Thick Description: Toward and Interpretive Theory of Culture. In Anthropology in Theory. Issues in Epistemology. Blackwell Publishing, London. (pp.236-243) ISBN : 978-0-631-22915-5 8 p

Geertz, C. (1973) Deep Play: Notes on a Balinese cockfight. In The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, New York. ISBN: 0-465-09719-7 41 p

*Grimshaw, A. and Ravetz, A. (2009), Observational Cinema. Anthropology, Film and the Exploration of Social Life. Indiana University Press, Bloomington (pp. ix-23,113-162). ISBN: 978-0-253-22158-2 84 p.

Holtedahl, L. (1993) Communication problems in social research. In Crawford, P. (ed.) The Nordic Eye. Proceedings from NAFA 1. Intervention Press, Højbjerg, Denmark. ISBN: 17 p.

*MacDougall, D. (1998) Whose story is it. In Transcultural Cinema. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. ISBN: 0-691-01234-2 16 p

Postma, M. (2006) `From description to narrative: what¿s left of ethnography¿, In Postma, M. and P.I. Crawford (eds.) Reflecting Visual Ethnography ¿ using the camera in anthropological research, Højbjerg: Intervention Press (pp. 319-358). ISBN: 87-89825-14-4 30 p.

Suhr, C. and Willerslev, R. (2012) Can Film Show the Invisible? The Work of Montage in Ethnographic Filmmaking. Current Anthropology. Vol 53(3) 24 p.

399 p

Error rendering component

  • About the course
  • Campus: Tromsø |
  • ECTS: 10
  • Course code: SVF-3108
  • Tidligere år og semester for dette emnet