Aurora Conference - Sovereignty

The limits and possibilities of sovereignty, as both the organizing logic and the central legal principle underpinning Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance (LOSOG)

For more information or if you have any questions, contact Christin Skjervold, Senior Advisor at NCLOS (

Wednesday 24 November

Social programme for Aurora external partners

Thursday 25 November

08:45-09:15 Registration and Coffee

09:30-10:45 Session 1: Problematizing sovereignty (in a LOSOG context)

Moderator: Ellen Hey, NCLOS and Erasmus University of Rotterdam


Vito De Lucia, NCLOS, Conceptual foundations of sovereignty.

Apostolos Tsiouvalas, NCLOS, Sovereignty and Territoriality in the Seascape: From Inertia to Kinēsis.

Yoshifumi Tanaka, University of Copenhagen, The Significance of Georges Scelle’s Theory of Dédoublement Fonctionnel in the Law of the Sea.

Rapporteur: Julia Gaunce, NCLOS

10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:00 Round table discussion of session 1

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:15 Session 2: Sovereignty challenged and under transformation

Moderator: Seline Trevisanut


Richard Barnes, NCLOS and The University of Lincoln, Sovereignty and stewardship.

Irene Dahl, NCLOS, Contested Norwegian Sovereignty in the Svalbard Zones.

Maria das Neves, NCLOS, Developing wind farms on the high seas: sovereignty claims, creeping appropriation, privatization of the oceans, or an opportunity for strengthened cooperation?

Rapporteur: Mazyar Ahmad, NCLOS

14:15-15:00 Coffee Break

15:00-16:00 Round table discussion of session 2

19:00 Workshop dinner at (Hotel The Edge – to be confirmed)

Friday 26 November

09:30-10:45 Session 3: Sovereignty across spaces

Moderator: Ingvild Jakobsen

Speakers: Alexander Lott, NCLOS, Sovereignty as a Barrier to Wildlife Movement in Straits.

Jan Solski, NCLOS, ‘Due Regard’ of Article 234 of UNCLOS: Lessons from Regulating Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea.

Iva Parlov, NCLOS, Problematizing Sovereignty While Introducing Marine Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) into the Law of the Sea Framework and Such Regulatory Areas as Ships’ Routeing, Reporting and Vessel Traffic Service (VTS).

Rapporteur: Endalew Enyew, NCLOS

10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:00 Round table discussion of session 3

12:00-12:30 Closing of the workshop and remarks on the way forward

NOTE: This is the tentative programme and may be subject to minor changes.

Starter: 25.11.21 kl 08.45
Slutter: 26.11.21 kl 12.30
Hvor: Clarion Hotel The Edge
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Inviterte
Ansvarlig: Christin Skjervold
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