Ruin philosophy, poetic discourse, and the collapse of meta-narratives

A guest lecture by Andreas Schonle, Professor of Russian at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)

This lecture will present an overview of ruin philosophy from Burke and Diderot to Simmel and Benjamin, with particular emphasis on the way the trope of ruin contemplation stages a confrontation between the self  and what transcends it (death, history, nature, etc.).  This philosophical landscape will then serve as a heuristic tool to consider the poetry of Aleksandr Kushner, a Russian/Soviet poet who productively deployed the trope of ruin to explore the legitimacy of poetic speech after the collapse of all meta-narratives. See the attachment for two of his poems to be used as examples, in the Russian original and English word-for-word translation.

Når: 29.02.16 kl 14.15–16.00
Hvor: SVHUM E1004
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
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