AVLYST: Seminar om vold, overgrep og rasisme mot samiske og andre urfolks kvinner og menn - Seminar about violence, abusement and harassment against Sami and other indigenous women and men.

Den kanadiske rettighetsforkjemper for urfolkskvinner Cherry Smiley kommer til Norge. I den forbindelse arrangeres det seminar i Alta om tema seksuell vold, rasisme, stigma, overgrep mot samer og urfolk. Dosent Jan Erik Henriksen bidrar med kunnskap innenfor temaet fra Sápmi. 



Seminaret vil bli arrangert på et senere tidspunkt.


The Canadian activist fighting for indigenous women Cherry Smiley are coming to Norway and meetings will be arranged in Alta, Tromsø and Oslo.

In Alta the topic will be about sexual violence, racism, stigma and abusement against Sámi and indigenous people.

Cherry Smiley is a  feminist from the nlaka’pamux, a FIRST NATION GROUP,  Canada.

The title for her speech in Alta is:

Breaking the silence; first nations women fighting for their rights in Canada


She has experienced how it is to be a young, indigenous girl and women in a minority situation, colored by colonization, harrasment and abusement. Through women`s and indigenous organizations she has worked hard to change this situation. Currently she is a PhD-student at concordia university, Montreal

Her work is titled “Unspeakable: Prostitution of Indiginous Women in Canada”

Cherry say this about her work: “From a radical feminist perspective, this project looks at the ways prostitution connects to other forms of male violence and processes of colonization, the impacts of different prostitution legislation on women*, particularly Indigenous women, and seeks recommendations that move us closer to ending all forms of male violence against women. This project is guided by an academic committee and a women’s advisory committee (WAC) that is made up of prostitution survivor researchers, advocates, and Indigenous feminist leaders in Canada.”

Docent Jan Erik Henriksen will contribute with examples from Sápmi.

For more info about the main speakers, look at: www.cherrysmiley.com

The speeches will be held in English.


Arrangører: NTL UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Kvinnefronten, Alta Sameforening, Institutt for barnevern og sosialt arbeid , Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning– UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Sted: Kultursalen, UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Les mer om Cherry Smiley her:



Når: 29.10.19 kl 18.00–20.00
Hvor: Kultursalen
Sted: Alta
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne, Inviterte
Kontakt: Inger Elin Utsi
E-post: inger.e.utsi@uit.no
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