Unlocking the commercial potential of biomolecules from marine environments

BIOPROSP has evolved since it was named in 2002, and is no longer known only for bioprospecting, but includes topics that delve into many other related bio-based fields. Our tagline is ‘Unlocking the commercial potential of biomolecules from marine environments,’ and anyone who feels that this expression is relevant to their company or institution will find the scientific program to be thought-provoking and worthwhile. And the possibility to expand your network and nurture potential partnerships are some of the most important reasons to attend BIOPROSP.


The conference will take place from 8-10 March 2017 in the charming Norwegian village of Tromsø, located just a short flight from Oslo in the Arctic Circle. You can also find direct flights from London Gatwick. Please visit our website at to view our newly released full program. Registration is now open!

Starter: 08.03.17 kl 00.00
Slutter: 10.03.17 kl 00.00
Hvor: UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
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