Scandinavian Mediation Research 2016-2017

Scandinavian Mediation Research 2016-2017

The project aims at developing and promoting Nordic mediation research and positioning it internationally by bringing Scandinavian researchers together in explorative workshops.

The main goals of the project that runs from January 2016 to June 2017 are: 

-          Map the state of the art of mediation research in Scandinavia. This encompasses theoretical, institutional, practical and regulatory aspects of different types of mediation (e.g. court-connected mediation, family mediation, restorative justice, juvenile delinquent mediation, community mediation etc.)

-          Disseminate existing research results to policymakers, legislators, trainers and practitioners in Scandinavia and Europe as well as making research results accessible to an international research community

-          Identify future research areas and methodologies

-          Develop future research projects across borders and disciplines

Also, we hope to lay the foundation for a multi-disciplinary network of Nordic researchers.


To achieve these ambitious goals we have planned two explorative workshops for all participants and one working workshop for a subgroup of participants. Also, we have planned a publication presenting state of the art of mediation research in Scandinavia with all participants in the project as potential contributors. In addition, a subgroup will be working on one or two journal publications and a project website.

The project is funded by NOS-HS.


Ansvarlig for siden: Nylund, Anna
Sist oppdatert: 09.01.2018 15:18