RTromsø - R User Group Meeting

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for RTromsø - R User Group Meeting

Welcome to the first R user Group Meeting in Tromsø

R is a programming language which is especially powerful for statistics, data exploration, and visualization. It is open source, free to use and has a large and active community of users.


RTromsø is a series of meet-ups and workshops for R users at UiT, the Arctic University of Norway where we can share knowledge and experiences, and together learn more about R.

If you are:

  • Currently using R or need to learn it.
  • Curious about how R can be used to prepare, analyse and visualize your data.
  • Wanting to use R to make your research analysis more streamlined and reliable.

... then come join us at our first user group meeting!

Both beginner and advanced users are welcome! Link to mazemap for SVHUM E0101, HSL building.

If you are interested, but unable to attend, you can provide an email address in the registration form, so we can inform you of future meetings and events.

Pizza will be provided by the Research software engineering (RSE) group for those who register. Please specify your pizza preferences in the registration form.

Når: 17.04.24 kl 11.00–12.30
Hvor: SVHUM E0101 in the HSL building
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter
Kontakt: Andrew Daniel Delos Mashchak
E-post: andrew.d.mashchak@uit.no
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