"Arctic Sun Celebration: May 17"

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for "Arctic Sun Celebration: May 17"

All of a sudden, the Arctic Sun shines brightly after the period of the Polar Night! Life is revived in so many aspects. Please feel invited to learn more about one traditional spring event in Norway, the celebration of the national constitution May 17!

Please join to learn about the constitution of Norway in a historical perspective by UiT’s very own historian Tim van Greven. All while getting traditional 17th of May-cuisine and musical entertainment by Blåsebaluba from The Academy of Music UiT.


11:30 Blåsebaluba from The Academy of Music, UiT, plays at the entrance to Bazinga

11:35 Welcome by Mari Buck

11:40-12:15 Associate professor Tim van Gerven speaks about the celebration of the Norwegian constitution May 17

12:15 Music by Blåsebaluba

12:25 A member of Blåsebaluba introduces the band and talks about the bands’ role in the celebration on May 17

12:40 Music by Blåsebaluba

All invitees sing the Norwegian national anthem “Ja vi elsker”, accompanied by Blåsebaluba

12:50-13:30 Open for questions while we eat sausages, including nonpork and vegetarian alternatives, and ice cream.

14:00 Bazinga opens sale of beer, burgers etc. for all at UiT

Når: 26.04.24 kl 11.30–13.30
Hvor: Bazinga, Teo-canteen Campus Tromsø
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter
Kontakt: Mari Buck
Telefon: 91662627
E-post: mari.buck@uit.no

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