Elisa Morgera (University of Strathclyde, One Ocean Hub). The title of her lecture is 'What I have learnt (so far) about inter-disciplinarity for transformative ocean research". Tune in on15 October 2020. The lecture is as usual open, and you find the zoom access link here: https://uit.zoom.us/j/61982833238?pwd=VnZjZlBhemRTd3lVRnVpamRZUGNGUT09" /> Elisa Morgera (University of Strathclyde, One Ocean Hub). The title of her lecture is 'What I have learnt (so far) about inter-disciplinarity for transformative ocean research". Tune in on15 October 2020. The lecture is as usual open, and you find the zoom access link here: https://uit.zoom.us/j/61982833238?pwd=VnZjZlBhemRTd3lVRnVpamRZUGNGUT09" />

Digital lecture: Elisa Morgera

The next speaker in our digital lecture series is: Elisa Morgera (University of Strathclyde, One Ocean Hub). The title of her lecture is 'What I have learnt (so far) about inter-disciplinarity for transformative ocean research". Tune in on15 October 2020. The lecture is as usual open, and you find the zoom access link here: https://uit.zoom.us/j/61982833238?pwd=VnZjZlBhemRTd3lVRnVpamRZUGNGUT09

Når: 15.10.20 kl 11.30–12.30
Hvor: Zoom
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Christin Skjervold
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