Disputas – Cand.scient Hao Yu

·     Prøveforelesning kl. 10.15
·     Disputas kl. 12.15

Cand.scient Hao Yu disputerer for graden ph.d. i anvendt matematikk og beregningsorienterte ingeniøranvendelser og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen
"Optimization Models and Methods for Sustainable Reverse Logistics Network Design".

Kort sammendrag av avhandlingen:
With the increased focus on environmental pollution and sustainable development, the value recovery and re-creation from the End-of-Use and End-of-Life products has been given considerable attention by the whole society. Reverse logistics is the process for recovering the value from End-of-Use and End-of-Life products through a series of activities, i.e., reuse, repair, remanufacturing, recycling and energy recovery. Nevertheless, due to the stochastic reverse product flow, unstable quality, the changing costs for facility operation and transportation, as well as the price fluctuation of the recovered products, the design of a reverse logistics network is a complex decision-making problem. In this PhD project, advanced optimization models and methods have been developed for providing decision-makers, supply chain managers and practitioners with better support and implications for the planning of a sustainable reverse logistics system under an uncertain environment. Moreover, the development on the modelling and solution techniques has contributed to the knowledge accumulation in operational research and management science and can also be used for modelling and resolving optimization problems in some other fields.

Hovedveileder: professor Wei Deng Solvang


  1. opponent: Professor Kenn Steger-Jensen, Aalborg University, Centre for Logistics, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
  2. opponent: Professor Eva Pongracz, University of Oulu, Department of Process and Environmental Engineering

Internt medlem og komitéens administrator: Førsteamanuensis Klas Pettersson.

Disputasen ledes av dekan Raymond Kristiansen, Fakultet for Ingeniørvitenskap og Teknologi, UiT-Norges arktiske universitet.

Prøveforelesing over oppgitt emne holdes kl. 10.15, samme sted: «Application of reverse logistic models in industry practice».

Når: 04.12.18 kl 10.15–13.00
Hvor: Auditorium 2, UiT i Narvik
Sted: Narvik
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne
Ansvarlig: Anne Gjerløw
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