Author's workshop: Indigenous Peoples in marine areas

The workshop on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Marine areas will be held in Tromsø on June 7 and 8.  The organizing committee comprises Stephen Allen, Faculty of Law, Queen Mary University, London, Nigel Bankes, Faculty of Law, University of Calgary and KG Jebsen Centre UiT, Else Grete Broderstad, Centre for Sami Studies, UiT, Endalew Enyew, PhD candidate, UiT, and Øyvind Ravna, Faculty of Law, UiT.


Attendees will present draft chapters for discussion. Some contributions will focus on international law, others on different domestic legal regimes while some papers will cover cross-cutting themes such as marine protected areas and the right to food in the context of climate change. For further information contact Nigel Bankes <

Starter: 07.06.18 kl 00.00
Slutter: 08.06.18 kl 00.00
Hvor: University of Tromsø
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte
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