Way North

Way North is a popular scientific publication from Tromsø University Museum presenting the natural and cultural history of northern Scandinavia and the Arctic. Subjects range from geosciences, climate, animal and plant life, human habitation, our cultural heritage and our present way of life.

Møller, Jakob J.:Foreword
Pettersen, Franck: Aurora Borealis - the northern lights
Mook, Reinhardt: The climate way north.
Hald, Morten: Climate of the past as read in the ocean sediments.
Bøe, Per: Jan Mayen - an active Norwegian vulcano.
Kverndal, Arnt-Ivar: Glacier surge on Svalbard.
Fjalstad, Arne: Was Andøya ice-free during the last glaciation?
Bjelvin, Torgein & Jakob J. Møller: Crater-like lake in Andersdal.
Møller, Jakob J.: Peat and lightening.





 1993: PLANT LIFE 
Mørkved, Brynhild & Arne C. Nilssen: Foreword. 
Alm, Torbjørn & Karl-Dag Vorren: Climate and plants during the last ice age.
Vorren, Karl-Dag: The environments and plant geography of northern Norway.
Alm, Torbjørn: The coastal plants.
Mørkved, Brynhild: Norhern forests - past and present.
Elvebakk, Arve, Ola Skifte & Gunn Anne Sommersel: Mountain plants.
Vorren, Karl-Dag: The mires of northern Norway.
Mørkved, Brynhild: The traditional use of plants.
Alm, Torbjørn: Poisonous plants.
Granmo, Alfred: The province flowers of North Norway.
Granmo, Alfred: Tromsø Palm.
Engelskjøn, Torstein & Anders Often: Tromsø Botanic Gardens.

Price: 60,- NOK

  1994: BIRD LIFE
Vader, Wim: North Norway as a biotope for birds
Strann, Karl-Birger: The distribution and changes in numbers of birds in North Norway
Vader, Wim: The shore as a bird restaurant
Strann, Karl-Birger: The purple sandpiper
Barrett, Rob: Seabirds their past and future
Jacobsen, Karl-Otto: The white tailed eagle
Jacobsen, Karl-Otto: Wildlife crime Bratrein,
Håvard Dahl: Falcon trapping in the Middle Ages
Jacobsen, Karl-Otto: Where to watch birds in North Norway
Strann, Karl-Birger: Ringing a recent hobby in North Norway
Strann, Karl-Birger: The storm petrel the troll bird of the north
Strann, Karl-Birger: The knot the mighty migrant
Strann, Karl-Birger: Annotated check list of the birds of Nordland, Troms and Finnmark.

Price: 60,- NOK

Nielsen, Jens Petter: Novaya Zemlya «No mans Land» 
Bulatov, Vladimir N.: Stalin´s policy in the Arctic
Niemi, Einar: The Pomor trade from a Norwegian perspective
Lindback, Harald: The drum, the shaman and the world shamanism in the north Rasmussen, 
Hans-Erik: The Sami on the Kola Peninsula
Rantala, Leif: The Russian Sami of today
Ludviksen, Johnny-Leo: Oil, gas and reindeer herding in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug
Bjørklund, Ivar: A journey to the Bolshezemelskaja Tundra

Price: 60,- NOK




Wold, A. Helge: Northern-Norwegian landscapes and resources
Bratrein, Håvard Dahl: People, society and the past
Taavetti, Salla: The Kven minority of Northern-Norway
Skjelbred, Ann Helen Bolstad: Religioous diversity and contrast
Hauan, Marit Anne: Narratives and folkbelief
Graff, Ola: Old magic in Northern folksongs
Hegstad, Sveinulf: Wooden houses
Elstad, Åsa: Food and clothing - for both body and soul
Hansen, John: From Sunday clothes to rag-rugs
Eldjarn, Gunnar: Signs in boat

Price: 60,- NOK




Øien, Nils: The distribution, abundance and hunting of killer whales
Similä, Tiu and Ugarte, Fernando: Norwegian killer whale research
Frafjord, Karl: A terrestrial killer whale
Similä, Tiu and Haug, Tore: Life cycle and community structure
Similä, Tiu and Damsgård, Børge: Demon fish or effective hunters?
Damsgård, Børge: Killer whale acoustics
Damsgård, Børge: From Moby Dick to Free Willy
Helberg, Bjørn Hebba: Killer whales in rock art – hunting magic or totemic figures?
Frafjord, Karl: Sea wolves

Price: 60,- NOK




Wickler, Stephen: Foreword
Grydeland, Sven-Erik: The Stone Age and Early Metal Age of Northern Norway
Helskog, Knut: The Rock Art North of the Arctic Circle
Jørgensen, Roger: The Iron Age of Arctic Norway
Munch, Gerd Stamsø: Glimpses of Vikings in North Norway
Storli, Inger: Ohthere – Viking and World Traveller
Lind, Keth E.: From Rome to the Arctic in the Middle Ages
Wickler, Stephen: A Maritime View of the Past in North Norway
Hultgren, Tora: Why did the Pomors leave Svalbard?

Price: 60,- NOK


Ørbæk, Jon Børre and Brekke, Asgeir: Introduction
Brekke, Asgeir: The gentle country oft the northern lights
Brekke, Asgeir: Gerd Gymesdaughter and the northern lights
Brekke, Asgeir: From the King´s Mirror to sir Edmund Halley
Brekke, Asgeir: Aquavit and the northern lights
Brekke, Asgeir: Aurora Borealis. How the northern lights got their misnomer
Ørbæk, Jon Børre: Blue light in the Arctic: polar day, polar night and the low arctic sun
Ørbæk, Jon Børre: White light in the Arctic: reflections from snow and ice
Sigernes, Fred: Red winter light: A mysterious red December sky over Svalbard
Hole, Lars R.: Actic haze, scattered light and low sun
Hansen, Vidje: Winter depression - does it really exist?
Brekke, Asgeir: The magic camera of the northern lights
Brekke, Asgeir: The northern lights are like a television show in the sky
Brekke, Asgeir: From Haldde to EISCAT
Brekke, Asgeir: The enigmatic northetn light, here one century and gobe the next
Jørgensen, Bjørn: Northern lights photograpgy

Price: 100,- NOK

Veie-Rosvoll, Brit: Introduction
Barrett, Rob: What is a seabird?
Anker-Nilssen, Tycho: The long road to knowledge
Systad, Geir: Seabirds in Norway - where are they? 
Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon and Strøm, Hallvard: The status of seabirds in Norway
Bustnes, Jan Ove and Helberg, Morten: What happened to the lesser black-backed gulls in North Norway? 
Fauchald, Per, Grønningsæter, Eirik and Murray, Stuart: Seabirds at sea 
Strøm, Hallvard and Steen, Harald: New methods in seabird research 
Bustnes, Jan Ove and Systad, Geir Helge: Sea ducks wintering in North Norway - where do they come from? 
Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe and Barrett, Rob: Seabirds or the fishing industry – must we choose? 
Anker-Nilssen, Tycho and Strøm, Hallvard: A new climate for seabirds? 
Erikstad, Kjell Einar and Reiertsen, Tone Kristin: Will our seabirds survive? 

Price: 100,- NOK

Way-North can be ordered from Tromsø University Museum, tlf. + 47 776 44000 or e-mail: Museumsshop