spring 2024
STE-3604 Applied Guidance, Navigation and Control - 10 ECTS

Type of course

The course can be taken as a single course.

Admission requirements

A relevant undergraduate Bachelor Engineering program with minimum 25 credits mathematics, 5 credits statistics, 7,5 credits physics. Preferably within satellite engineering, telecommunications, electrical engineering or similar.

Application code: 9371

Course content

The purpose of this course is to give the student an overview of the central topics and current state-of-the art within guidance, navigation and control of unmanned aerial vehicles. The technical topics will be presented throughout this course such as

  • Guidance
    • Path planning (Discrete planning, Sampling-based planning)
    • Path smoothing methods (Spline interpolation)
    • Path following
    • Collision avoidance techniques
  • Navigation
    • State estimation
      • Complementary filters
      • Kalman Filters (EKF, MEKF, UKF)
      • Particle filters
    • Nonlinear Observers for aerial vehicles
    • Visual odometry
    • SLAM
  • Control
    • Linear control techniques (PID, LQR)
    • Nonlinear control techniques for aerial vehicles

Recommended prerequisites

ELE-3606 Control Engineering, MAT-3800 Linear Algebra II, STE-3800 Classical Mechanics

Objectives of the course

After passing the course, students will have the following learning outcomes:


The student:

- has advanced knowledge of central topics within guidance, navigation and control of aerial vehicles.

- has knowledge of the current state-of-the art within guidance, navigation and control of aerial vehicles.

- can apply the knowledge to solve new challenges in the field of guidance, navigation and control of aerial vehicles.


The student

- can analyze existing scientific literature, applied methods and work independently to solve theoretical and practical problems.

- can apply central methods in an independent project.

General competence:

The student

- can contribute to innovative projects related to the field.

- can communicate with specialists and nonspecialists about central topics within the field.

Language of instruction and examination


Teaching methods

This is a project based course where students will spend the majority of the time outside of lectures working on their individual project. There will be classroom lectures and tutorials. The course takes four weeks, each week with 20 hours of lectures. Each day up to 4 hours of lectures. Some days have additional tutorials after lectures.


Examination: Date: Weighting: Duration: Grade scale:
Oral exam 07.06.2024 08:00
1/1 40 Minutes A–E, fail F
Assignment 03.06.2024 14:00 (Hand in) 0/1 A–E, fail F
UiT Exams homepage

More info about the assignment

A report of the individual project run by the students must be submitted prior to the oral examination. A hard deadline and format for submission will be specified by the lecturer.

More info about the oral exam

Adjusting oral examination

Re-sit examination

There will not be arranged a re-sit exam for this course.
  • About the course
  • Campus: Narvik |
  • ECTS: 10
  • Course code: STE-3604