spring 2024
INF-3995 Individual Special Curriculum - Master's Degree - 20 ECTS

Type of course

The individual special curriculum is reserved students on the Computer Sciences - master 5-year and Computer Science - master (2-year).

Course content

Individual supervision of experimental or theoretical research on acceptable computer science problems and supervision of reading on topics not covered by regular courses of instruction. Students must arrange such work with a faculty member of the department. The Individual special curriculum has to be approved by the Department Council according to an application form. Ordinary registration to the exam via Studentweb.

Assessment: The form of examination is determined in connection with approval of the individual special curriculum. Several assessment methods can be chosen.

Objectives of the course


Language of instruction and examination

Examination questions will be given in English but may be answered either in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Individual guidance and supervision according to agreement. According to capacity and requirement, Individual Special Curriculum is offered in the spring or fall semester.



Examination: Grade scale:
Undisclosed - contact the faculty A–E, fail F
UiT Exams homepage

Re-sit examination

For re-sit exam, postponed submission or non-submission of the individual special curriculum, see Supplementary Regulations for the Capstone Projects and Individual Special Curriculum (in Norwegian only).
  • About the course
  • Campus: Tromsø |
  • ECTS: 20
  • Course code: INF-3995