autumn 2023
BYG-3611 Research Methods - 5 ECTS

Type of course

The subject can be taken as an individual subject

Admission requirements

Water and sewage technology

Bachelor's degree or equivalent in construction engineering, civil engineering, water and sewerage engineering, environmental engineering, HVAC engineering and energy technology. Applicants with other subject combinations (water sciences, sanitary and environmental sciences, hydrology / hydraulics, etc.) are considered separately.

Regulations on admission to studies at UiT state that in order to be admitted to a master's degree program of 120 credits, there are requirements for specialization in subjects, courses or subject groups of a minimum of 80 credits or integrated education of a minimum of 120 credits. For the field of study Water and Sewerage Technology, the requirement for professional specialization in construction, water and sewerage technology, civil engineering and HVAC applies. Applicants with other specializations can be admitted after special assessment. Basic knowledge of water and drainage technology is recommended.

In addition, there is a requirement for basic knowledge of at least 25 credits in mathematics (cf. Mathematics 1, 2 and 3), at least 5 credits in statistics / probability and at least 7.5 credits in physics in accordance with the framework plan for the Bachelor of Engineering.

Application code: 9371

Recommended prerequisites: Students formally accepted onto the Master's study programme at UiT may attend this course.

Course content

This course covers the concepts of research methodologies used by researchers in general and focuses mainly in the field of natural sciences with particular emphasis on water and environmental engineering. The contents of the course is made up of the following of topics:

  • Introduction on the concepts of research (underlying philosophical assumptions).
  • Research ethics.
  • Qualitative and quantitative research designs, methods, instruments, data analysis and presentation.
  • Research approach and design (basic ideas useful for the identification and selection of a research topic, framing research questions, sampling designs, etc.).
  • Major components/ the different phases in a research process (proposal development, lab/fieldwork, and scientific report/paper writing).

Objectives of the course

After passing the course, students must have the following learning outcomes.

Knowledge: The course aims to give students a broad understanding of research methodology, including theory of science and qualitative and quantitative methods.

Skills: The course aims to give students skills for critical reading of research literature and for developing a research proposal for a master’s thesis project.

Competence: Students should become competent in planning, conducting, evaluating and presenting a research project.

Language of instruction and examination


Teaching methods

Lectures, for 2 x 1 weeks (a total of 10 working days), including concept note development and literature review.

Error rendering component

Re-sit examination

There will be offered a re-sit exam in both assignments.

Info about the weighting of parts of the examination

Assignment 1 accounts for 50%.

Assignment 2 accounts for 50%.

  • About the course
  • Campus: Narvik |
  • ECTS: 5
  • Course code: BYG-3611