The SALMOTRACK-project is a large-scale framework that coordinates several activities on electronic tracking of the behaviour and migration of mainly northern anadromous (sea-running) fish species, including especially Atlantic salmon, but also Arctic charr, brown trout, whitefish and eels. Recently the project has also been involved in research on the migration Atlantic halibut and humpback whales. The project coordinates available logistics and equipment in order to maximize the synergetic effects and reduce the cost of each sub-project. Several types of electronic tracking and tagging techniques are being used, including radio, acoustic, archival and satellite technology. Two post-doc positions, four PhD positions and several master and bachelor students are or have been directly involved in the project. The project was initiated in 2006 through support from Norwegian Research Council, but has since then grown considerably in extent due to additional substantial support from other funds and institutions.

Page administrator: Rikardsen, Audun
created: 03.03.2015 13:35