Ultrasound, Microwaves and Optics
The common interest of the group is waves. The frequencies of the waves range from high for ultrasound (10-100 MHz), to very high for microwaves (>1 GHz) and extremely high for optics (>30 THz). The group is experimentally inclined, with design, fabrication and characterization of devices as main ingredients. The group is involved in advanced simulations, in order to design devices or understand them. In-house fabrication is sometimes done, while advanced fabrication on the nanoscale is done at NTNU Nanolab or abroad. Characterization can involve flying a drone over snow to study the density or study the behavior of sub-cellular organelles with super-resolution microscopy.
We are recruiting PhD-students and post-docs! Please contact the PIs or look at Jobbnorge.no
Within ultrasound , the focus is on ultrasound transducers for biological applications and structural inspection. Research on photo-acoustic microscopy is done both with commercial set-ups and transducers made in-house. This activity is a link between ultrasound and optics.
Microwave research is focusing on synthetic aperture radars for mounting on drones. This research is part of CIRFA, which is a Center for Research-based Innovation (SFI).
Both fundamental and applied research is conducted within optics , with research on nanophotonics, nanoscopy and optical sensors. The UMO group has a strong track record in optical waveguide technology for gas sensing, spectroscopy, optical trapping, and super-resolution imaging (optical nanoscopy). Three prestigious ERC Starting Grants have been awarded to group members since 2009 (Ahluwalia, Jágerská and Agarwal). This has resulted in a large research activity and a number of other projects with funding from NFR, TFS, NorInnova, EU and additional funding from the ERC.
The UMO group is teaching various courses at BSc-, MSc- and PhD-level. The staff is notably involved in the master's program on Applied Physics and Mathematics, and has the responsibility for the study direction on Sensor Technology ('Sensorteknologi'). The UMO group also participates in the study direction on Health Technology ('Helseteknologi').
There are frequent openings for new PhDs and Postdocs within the group, and several opportunities for master's projects. Bachelor projects can also be made on demand, and the group regularly welcomes exchange students and internship students from all over the world.
Some representative research projects:
- Optical Nanoscopy (Ahluwalia + Agarwal + Ströhl)
- Photonic Sensors (Jágerská)
- Label-free nanoscopy (Agarwal)
- Optical Systems (Ströhl)
- Transducer Fabrication (Melandsø)
Please see the web pages of the individual group members for publication details.
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