Foto: Jakob Bjørvig Henriksen
Andreas Klein
Førstebibliotekar / Fagansvarlig for historie, arkeologi, allmenn litteraturvitenskap, tysk språk og litteratur og klassiske fag
Arkiv / Bibliotek / Biblioteksveiledning / Eldre samlinger / Forvaltning av forskningsdata / InformasjonskompetanseVitenskapelige arbeidsområder
Andreas Klein
Kulturen und Literaturen der Saamen
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 2023 ARKIV
Andreas Klein
Wissenspolitik als Großmachtpolitik. Die Samen im frühneuzeitlichen Schweden
Andreas Klein
Agnes Thorsen und die Entdeckung einer Sehnsuchtslandschaft
Anna Fredriksson,
Andreas Klein
Vad hände med Johannes Schefferus bibliotek?
Uppsala universitet 2021 ARKIV
Andreas Klein
The Sámi People in the Context of European Perceptions of Exotic Cultures in the 17th and 18th Centuries
DESHIMA, revue d'histoire globale des pays du Nord 2021 ARKIV
Andreas Klein
"Das Museum, in dem nichts fehlt und nichts zu viel ist". Zum frühneuzeitlichen Sammeln, auch von Büchern, zwischen Straßburg und Uppsala
2021 ARKIV
Andreas Klein
Faust and the Arctic: Erasmus Francisci’s Account of Sámi Sorcery (1674)
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2020
Andreas Klein
Early Modern Knowledge about the Sámi. A History of Johannes Schefferus' Lapponia (1673)
Wehrhahn Verlag 2023 FULLTEKST
Andreas Klein
Research Data Management within the Academic Library Ecosystem. A Conversation Opener
Per Pippin Aspaas,
Simon Dominik Franzen,
Ian Peter Grohse,
Poul Henning Gustaf Hansen,
Andreas Klein,
Lena Aarekol
Gamledagers forestillingsverden om det nordlige: nordområdekart fra perioden 1480–1750
Andreas Klein,
Deborah Mole
Insights from an Arctic University of Norway librarian
11. april 2024
Andreas Klein
Working with Indigenous Collections at Tromsø University Library
Andreas Klein
Academic librarianship in Arctic Norway. A personal view
Simon Dominik Franzen,
Hana Kekic,
Andreas Klein
Facilitating Research on Arctic Special Collections. Tales from the Tromsø Historical Map Collection
Andreas Klein
Willem Barentsz’ polarekspedisjoner og kunsten å sette seg selv på kartet
Ottar 2024 DOI
Siri Adelina Revold,
Betty Steinsvik,
Poul Henning Gustaf Hansen,
Tonje Lockertsen,
Andreas Klein
Seminarsamlinga. Glimt fra biblioteket til Norges første offentlige lærerseminar
Seminarsamlinga. Glimt fra biblioteket til Norges første offentlige lærerseminar 2023
Andreas Klein
Boka og kartet - oversatt og oversett?
Andreas Klein,
Ian Peter Grohse
Wie der Norden auf die Karte kam - Geschichten aus einer arktischen Kartensammlung
Andreas Klein
The tale of a book that never was - In search of the definitive edition of Lapponia
Andreas Klein
Rariora in Ultima Thule: Special Collections at Tromsø University Library. Part 1: Early printed maps of the Arctic
Polar libraries bulletin 2023 FULLTEKST
Andreas Klein
DocEnhance: Some observations from a PhD course on data stewardship
Andreas Klein
Gjennom fremmede øyne: Lapponias tilblivelse og mottakelse i 1600-tallets europeisk akademisk kultur
Andreas Klein,
Per Pippin Aspaas
The Neo-Latin Podcast, episode 5: Johannes Schefferus
02. februar 2023 ARKIV
Andreas Klein
Rariora in Ultima Thule: Special Collections at Tromsø University Library. Part 2: Indigeneity, health, and art
Polar libraries bulletin 2023 FULLTEKST
Andreas Klein
Digital Humaniora ved UiT
Andreas Klein,
Leena Mirjam Niiranen,
Mirja Maria Lahti
Kvenenes historie fortalt gjennom bøker / Muistelus kvääniin histoorian ympäri kirjoin avula
Bokutstilling 2022
Andreas Klein
Gens, natio, species: en kort innføring i tidlig moderne teorier om etnisitet
Fredrik Nilsen,
Cathrine Theodorsen,
Andreas Klein
Forord / Vorwort En arktisk oppdagelsesreise / Eine arktische Entdeckungsreise
Nordlit 2022 ARKIV
Andreas Klein
Fantastiske øyer, uhyrer, ekspedisjoner og hvalfangst - kunnskap om havet for 500 år siden
Andreas Klein
Beyond Dichotomies – Early Modern Icelandic Poets and Their Eclectic World Views
Andreas Klein,
Michael Schmidt,
Rognald Heiseldal Bergesen
Early Modern Knowledge about the Sámi
A History of Johannes Schefferus' Lapponia (1673) and its Adaptations
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Andreas Klein
Places of Knowledge of Lapponia (1673)
Andreas Klein
Hybrid Knowledge: The Construction and Circulation of Ideas about the Sámi in Early Modern Europe
Andreas Klein
"da wären so viel Zauberer das sie das gantze Land erfülleten" - Der Norden im frühneuzeitlichen Fauststoff
Andreas Klein
The Relation of Translation and Transtextuality in Johannes Schefferus's description of Lapland
Andreas Klein
Wissenspolitik als Großmachtpolitik. Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie und Johannes Schefferus' Lapplandbeschreibung (1673-1682)
Andreas Klein
Zum Verhältnis von Translation und Transtextualität in Johannes Schefferus' Lappland-Beschreibung (1673-1682)
Andreas Klein
The Contribution and Conception of Indigenous Sources in Johannes Schefferus’ Accounts of Sápmi (1673 - 1682).
Andreas Klein
Sámi and Samoyeds in Zedler's Universal-Lexicon (1732-1754)
Andreas Klein
Han F. Vermeulen, Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German Enlightenment, Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology (Lincoln/London, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2015). xxiii + 718 pp.
Sjuttonhundratal. Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies 2017
Andreas Klein
Representing and understanding vanitas in baroque Iceland: An analysis of two poems by Stefán Ólafsson (1619-1688)
Andreas Klein
Poetry on Earthly Joys and Spiritual Suffering in Post-Reformation Iceland
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bok- og bibliotekhistorie, sjeldne bøker og spesialsamlinger, tidlig nytid, vitenskapshistorie