Kristin Heggland
Paul Eric Renaud,
Malin Daase,
Neil S. Banas,
Tove M. Gabrielsen,
Janne Søreide,
Øystein Varpe
Pelagic food-webs in a changing Arctic: a trait-based perspective
suggests a mode of resilience
Ole Arve Misund,
Kristin Heggland,
Ragnheid Skogseth,
Eva Falck,
Harald Gjøsæter,
Jan Henry Sundet
Norwegian fisheries in the Svalbard zone since 1980. Regulations, profitability and warming waters affect landings
Kristin N. Heggland,
Camilla Ottesen,
Jørgen Berge
Aspects of the life history of the Atlantic poacher, Leptagonus decagonus, in Svalbard waters
Jørgen Berge,
Kristin N. Heggland,
Ole Jørgen Lønne,
Finlo R. Cottier,
Haakon Hop,
Geir W. Gabrielsen
First records of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) from the Svalbard archipelago, Norway, with possible explanations for the extension of its distribution
Kristin Heggland,
Hop Haakon,
Svensen Camilla,
Bailey Allison,
Choquet Marvin
Can the Arctic key species Calanus glacialis adapt to climate change?
David Cote,
Kristin Heggland
Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Overview of the biophysical and ecological components of the Labrador Sea Frontier Area
Malin Daase,
Jørgen Berge,
Paul E. Renaud,
Daniel Ludwig Vogedes,
Kristin Heggland,
Janne Søreide
Size Matters- Impact of climate change at the base of the Arctic food chain
Kristin Heggland,
Camilla Ottesen,
Jørgen Berge
Life history of Leptagonus decagonus (Atlantic poacher) in Svalbard waters
2012 ARKIV
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