Foto: Bjørn-Kåre Iversen
Eirik Reierth
Førstebibliotekar. Dr. Scient.
Fagansvarlig for medisin, inkludert Universitessykehuset Nord-Norge
Biblioteksveiledning / Brukerstøtte / Databaser / Forskerutdanning / Forskningsstøtte / Informasjonskompetanse / Litteratursøk / Referanseverktøy / UndervisningVitenskapelige arbeidsområder
Ellen Blix,
Kjetil Gundro Brurberg,
Eirik Reierth,
Liv Merete Brynildsen Reinar,
Pål Øian
ST waveform analysis vs cardiotocography alone for intrapartum fetal monitoring: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials
Eirik Amundsen,
Ashley Muller,
Eirik Reierth,
Vegard Skogen,
Rigmor Berg
Chemsex Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Systematic Scoping Review of Research Methods
Anne Herefoss Davidsen,
Stian Andersen,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen,
Henrik Schirmer,
Eirik Reierth,
Hasse Melbye
Diagnostic accuracy of heart auscultation for detecting valve disease:
a systematic review
Tohr Nilsson,
Jens Wahlström,
Eirik Reierth,
Lage Burström
Röntgendiagnosticerad handartros i relation till exponering för handöverförda vibrationer. En systematisk kunskapsöversikt och meta-analys
Erlend Hoftun Farbu,
Anje Christina Höper,
Eirik Reierth,
Tohr Nilsson,
Morten Skandfer
Cold exposure and musculoskeletal conditions; A scoping review
Tohr Nilsson,
Jens Wahlström,
Eirik Reierth,
Lage Burström
Dupuytrens sjukdom i relation till exponering för handöverförda vibrationer. En systematisk kunskapsöversikt och meta-analys.
Lars J. Bjertnaes,
Torvind Næsheim,
Eirik Reierth,
Evgeny Suborov,
Mikhail Kirov,
Konstantin M. Lebedinskii
Physiological Changes in Subjects Exposed to Accidental Hypothermia: An Update
Lars J. Bjertnaes,
Kristian Hindberg,
Torvind Næsheim,
Evgeny V. Suborov,
Eirik Reierth,
Mikhail Y. Kirov
Rewarming From Hypothermic Cardiac Arrest Applying Extracorporeal Life Support: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Elisabeth Jeppesen,
Valdemar Vea Iversen,
Ingrid Schrøder Hansen,
Eirik Reierth,
Torben Wisborg
Trauma research in the Nordic countries,1995–2018–a systematic review
Madhu Wagle,
Francesco D'Antonio,
Eirik Reierth,
Purusotam Basnet,
Tordis A Trovik,
Giovanna Orsini
Dental caries and preterm birth: a
systematic review and meta-analysis
Leif Longva,
Eirik Reierth,
Lars Moksness,
Bård Smedsrød
Peer reviewing: a private affair between the individual researcher and the publishing houses, or a responsibility of the university?
Simon Davis,
Jon Viljar Norvik,
Kristin Elisa Ruud Hansen,
Ingrid Vognild,
Eirik Reierth
Assessment of otoscopy: how does observation compare to a review of clinical evidence?
Ellen Blix,
Kjetil Gundro Brurberg,
Eirik Reierth,
Liv Merete Reinar,
Pål Øian
ST waveform analysis versus cardiotocography alone for intrapartum fetal monitoring: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials
Johanna Laue,
Eirik Reierth,
Hasse Melbye
When should acute exacerbations of copd be treated with systemic corticosteroids and antibiotics in primary care: A systematic review of current copd guidelines
Sabina Fattah,
Marius Rehn,
Eirik Reierth,
Torben Wisborg
Systematic literature review of templates for reporting prehospital major incident medical management
Sabina Fattah,
Marius Rehn,
eirik Reierth,
Torben Wisborg
Templates for reporting pre-hospital major incident medical management: systematic literature review
eirik Reierth,
Karl-Arne Stokkan
Biological rhythms in Arctic animals
Narosa Publishing House 2002
eirik Reierth,
T j Van't hof,
Karl-Arne Stokkan
Seasonal and daily variation in plasma melatonin in the high-Arctic Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus hyperboreus)
Journal of Biological Rhythms 1999
eirik Reierth,
Karl-Arne Stokkan
Dual Entrainment by Light and Food in the Svalbard Ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus hyperboreus)
Journal of Biological Rhythms 1998
eirik Reierth,
Karl-Arne Stokkan
Activity rhythms in high-Arctic Svalbard ptarmigan
Canadian Journal of Zoology 1998
Karl-Arne Stokkan,
Kjell Lindgård,
eirik Reierth
Photoperiodic and ambient temperature control of the annual body mass cycle in Svalbard ptarmigan
Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 1995
Morten Skandfer,
Erlend Hoftun Farbu,
Anje Christina Höper,
Eirik Reierth,
Tohr Nilsson
Cold working conditions and musculoskeletal pain.
Ellen Blix,
Kjetil Gundro Brurberg,
Eirik Reierth,
Liv Merete Brynildsen Reinar,
Pål Øian
Forventningene til STAN-teknologien ble ikke innfridd
Dagens medisin 18. januar 2016 FULLTEKST
Ellen Blix,
Kjetil Gundro Brurberg,
Eirik Reierth,
Liv Merete Reinar,
Pål Øian
STAN technology, surrogate outcomes and possible sources of bias
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2016 DOI
Ellen Blix,
Kjetil Gundro Brurberg,
Eirik Reierth,
Liv Merete Reinar,
Pål Øian
Statistical significance is not necessarily equal to clinical significance
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2016 DOI
Pål Øian,
Kjetil Gundro Brurberg,
Eirik Reierth,
Liv Merete Reinar,
Ellen Blix
Hva gjør vi når forskningen gir uønskede svar?
Dagens medisin 2015 FULLTEKST
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