Tidsskriftartikler og bokkapitler
Øyvind Ravna
Karasjok-dommen og dens betydning for rettskartleggingen i Finnmark, Lov og Rett, vol. 63 (utg. 9) side 587-602.
Jon Mattias Åhrén
The relevance of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to vibrant, viable and sustainable Sámi communities. I: The Significance of Sami Rights. Law, Justice, and Sustainability for the Indigernous Sami in the Nordic Countries. Routledge 2023 ISBN 9781003220640. s.5-21
Øyvind Ravna og Bendik Midtkandal
Reglene om tilbakeføring av råderett i internasjonal og nasjonal urfolksrett, Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap, vol. 136, 4/2023 Side 443–492.
Øyvind Ravna
I lys av Karasjok-saken: Finnmarksloven moden for revisjon?, Lov og Rett 2023/2, side 74-76.
Nye perspektiver på retten til jorda i Finnmark. Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge) 2023 ;Volum 102.(1) s.44-60.
Nye bidrag til Finnmarks eiendomshistorie. I: Fakultetsbyggjar, vestlending og verdsborgar: Festskrift til Ernst Nordtveit 70 år. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2023 ISBN 9788202762773. s.221-240.
The survey of property rights in Sámi areas of Norway—with focus on the Karasjok case. I: The Significance of Sami Rights. Law, Justice, and Sustainability for the Indigernous Sami in the Nordic Countries. Routledge 2023 ISBN 9781003220640. s.22-36
Fosen-saken og meklingen. Lov og Rett 2023/10 side 614-616.
Gunnar Eriksen
Festnede rettsforhold. I: Fakultetsbyggjar, vestlending og verdsborgar: Festskrift til Ernst Nordtveit 70 år. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2023 ISBN 9788202762773.
Øyvind Ravna
SP artikkel 27 og norsk urfolksrett etter Fosen-dommen. Lov og Rett 2022 ;Volum 61.(7) s.440-458.
The Fosen Case and the Protection of Sámi Culture in Norway Pursuant to Article 27 iccpr. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 2022.
Matthias Åhren
Indigenous resource rights at their core (and what these are not). I: Research Handbook on the International Law of Indigenous Rights. Edward Elgar Publishing 2022 ISBN 978-1-78811-578-0. s.129-146.
An Unsettled Liberal Democratic Order and Indigenous Peoples' Legal Rights. I: Minority Rights and Liberal Democratic Insecurities. Democratic Insecurities. Routledge 2022 ISBN 9781003239871. s.171-188.
Løf, Anette; Raitio, Kaisa; Forbes, Bruce C.; Labba, Kristina; Landauer, Mia; Risvoll, Camilla; Sarkki, Simo.
Unpacking reindeer husbandry governance in Sweden, Norway and Finland – a political discursive perspective. I: Reindeer Husbandry and Global Environmental Change. Routledge 2022 ISBN 9781003118565. s.150-172.
Endlew Enyew og Nigel Bankes
Interaction between the Law of the Sea and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. I: The Law of the Sea: Normative Context and Interactions with other Legal Regimes. Routledge 2022 ISBN 9780367549145. s.151-175.
Apostolos Tsiouvalas
Submarine tailings disposal in Arctic indigenous waters: A human rights perspective on Nussir mine’s impacts on the Sámi use of Repparfjord, Norway. I: Struggles for Recognition: Cultural Pluralism and Rights of Minorities. (Dykinson, 2021) ISBN 978-84-1377-133-5. side 357-374.
De Gregorio, Valentina; Parola, Giulia; Porrone, Arianna; Poto, Margherita Paola; Tsiouvalas, Apostolos
Learning from the indigenous Law: The core values of inclusion, coexistence and resilience. I: Struggles for Recognition: Cultural Pluralism and Rights of Minorities. (Dykinson, 2021) ISBN 978-84-1377-133-5. side 39-356.
Gunnar K. Eriksen
Selbu- og Svartskogsakene som et rettslig tidevannsskille for spørsmålene om samisk naturbruk. I: Samenes historie fra 1751 til 2010. (Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2021) ISBN 978-82-02-23554-3. side 436-442.
Øyvind Ravna
Jordinndelingene i Finnmark: var de Norges eldste offentlige utskiftinger?. Kart og Plan 2021 ;Volum 114.(1-2) s.74-100.
Kristina Labba
Sámi Law: A Methodological Approach. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 2020 (11). Side 215-232.
Rättssubjektet för renskötselrätten enligt svensk rätt och reindriftsretten enligt norsk rätt. Svensk Juristtidning, 2020.
Margherita P. Poto
The Law of The Sea and Its Institutions: Today’s Hermeneutic Approach and Some Suggestions For an Ocean-Centred Governance Model. I: The Law of the Sea and Climate Change. Solutions and Constraints. (Cambridge University Press, 2020).
Øyvind Ravna
The Duty to Consult the Sámi in Norwegian Law. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 2020 (11). Side 233-255.
Restitusjon og gjenoppretting i norsk urfolksrett. Lov og Rett, 2020 (9). Side 566-579.
Den grenseoverskridende reindriften og beiterettighetene. Lov og Rett, 2020 (8). Side 474-492.
Den tidligere umatrikulerte grunnen i Finnmark: Jordfellesskap fremfor statlig eiendom? Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 2020 (2-3). Side 219-263.
Apostolos Tsiouvalas
Mare Nullius or Mare Suum? Using Ethnography to Debate Rights to Marine Resources in Coastal Sami Communities of Troms. I: The Yearbook of Polar Law. Volume 11, 2019. (Brill|Nijhoff, 2020) ISBN 978-90-04-41874-5. side 245-272.
Nigel Bankes
Arctic Ocean Management and Indigenous Peoples: Recent Legal Developments. The Yearbook of Polar Law 2020 ;Volum 11. s.81-120.
Stephen Allen, Nigel Bankes, Endalew L. Enyew og Øyvind Ravna
Introduction. I: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Marine Areas. (Hart Publishing Ltd, 2019).
Endalew L. Enyew
International Human Rights Law and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Relation to Marine Space and Resources.
I: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Marine Areas. (Hart Publishing Ltd, 2019).
Giulia Parola og Margherita P, Poto
What can we learn from Indigenous Law and Methodology? I: Inclusion, Coexistence and Resilience: Key Lessons Learned from Indigenous Law and Methodology. (Agora 21, 2019).
Margherita P. Poto
Shaping solutions to climate change and food (in)security by integrating peoples' environmental knowledge in the Arctic regions. I: The functional field of food law. Reconciling the market and human rights. (Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2019).
Margherita P. Poto, Apostolos Tsiouvalas, Giulia Parola, Arianna Porrone og Valentina De Gregorio
Øyvind Ravna
Ansvar for skade forårsaket av rein: om gjerdehold, objektivt ansvar og medvirkning. Lov og Rett, 2019 (1). Side 48-63.
Legal Protection of Coastal Sámi Culture and Livelihood in Norway. I: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Marine Areas. (Hart Publishing Ltd, 2019).
Gunnar K. Eriksen
Lokal sedvanerett eller alders tids bruk?. I: Rettsvitenskap under nordlys og midnattssol. (Fagbokforlaget, 2018).
Margherita P. Poto
Legal instruments to Protect Indigenous Peoples’ Participation in Europe and in the Arctic Region. I: Procedural Environmental Rights: Principle X in Theory and Practice. (Intersentia, 2018).
Mattias Åhren
Rättigheternas renässans och samiska markanvändares egendomsrättigheter till land. Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift, 2018 (2). Side 19-31.
Mattias Åhren og Martin Scheinin
Relationship to Human Rights, and Related International Instruments. I: The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. A Commentary. (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Øyvind Ravna og Uno Nesvik
Adgangen til å regulere svensk reinbeiting i Norge med norsk reindriftslov. Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift, 2018 (4). Side 51-69.
Endalew L. Enyew
Application of the Right to Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources for Indigenous Peoples: Assessment of Current Legal Developments. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 2017 (8). Side 222-245.
Margherita P. Poto
As above, so below: reconciling the natural world and human rights in Canada. Environmental Liability (2), 2017. Side 70-79.
Participatory Models to Ensure Full Protection to Indigenous Peoples’ Fundamental Rights in the Arctic. Current Developments in Arctic Law (5), 2017. Side 1-7.
Participatory engagement and the empowerment of the Arctic indigenous peoples. Environmental Law Review, March, 2017. Side 30-47.
Margherita P. Poto og Lara Fornabaio
Coastal Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic and the Protection of the Marine Environment. Environmental Liability (1), 2017. Side 20-28.
Fathoming the depth of Environmental Governance. Forms of Participation of a Community-Based System in the Arctic. Journal of Academic Perspectives (3), 2017. Side 1-24.
Participation as the essence of good governance: some general reflections and a case study on the Arctic Council. Arctic Review on Law and Politics (8), 2017. Side 139-159.
Mattias Åhren
Indigenous Creativity and the Public Domain - Terra Nullius Revisited. I: Indigenous Peoples' Cultural Heritage: Rights Debates, Challenges. (Brill Nijhoff, 2017).
Matthias Åhren og Rebecca Lawrence
Mining as colonisation: the need for restorative justice and restitution of traditional Sami lands. I: Nature, temporality and environmental management. Scandinavian and Australian perspectives on peoples and landscapes. (Routledge, 2017).
Øyvind Ravna
Nye bidrag til eiendomshistorien i Finnmark. Heimen - Lokal og regional historie, 2017 (1). Side 6-27.
Links between Lands, Territories, Envirinment and Cultural Heritage - The Recognition of Sámi Lands in Norway. I: Indigenous Peoples' Cultural Heritage: Rights Debates, Challenges. (Brill Nijhoff, 2017).
Øyvind Ravna og Kristoffer Svendsen
Securing the Coastal Sámi Culture and Livelihood. I: Governance of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas. (Routledge, 2017).
Øyvind Ravna og Nigel Bankes
Recognition of Indigenous Land Rights in Norway and Canada. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 2017 (1). Side 70-117.
Christina Allard
Nordic Legislation on Protected Areas: How does it Affect Sami Customary Rights? I: Indigenous Rights in Modern Landscapes – Nordic Conservation Regimes in Global Context. (Routledge, 2016).
Samerätten – ett besvärligt rättsområde. I: Bertil Bengtsson 90 år. (Jure, 2016).
Christina Allard, Elsa Reimerson og Camilla Sandström
Contrasting nature, contrasting rights – Concluding remarks. (I: Indigenous Rights in Modern Landscapes – Nordic Conservation Regimes in Global Context. (Routledge, 2016).
Margherita P. Poto
The Arctic Council as an Actor in the Global Governance. Current Developments in Arctic Law (4), 2016. Side 1-8.
Participatory rights of indigenous peoples: the virtuous example of the Arctic region. Environmental Law and Management (2), 2016. Side 81-89.
Øyvind Ravna
ILO 169 and Securing of Sámi Rights to Lands, Nature-based Livelihood, and Natural Resources. I: Understanding the Many Faces of Human Securety. Perspectives of Northern Indigenous Peoples. (Brill Nijhoff, 2016).
Norway and Its Obligations under ILO 169 – Some Considerations after the Recent Stjernøy Supreme Court Case. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 2016 (2). Side 201-2014.
Rettslige disposisjoner som grunnlag for bortfall av rettigheter. Tidsskrift for eiendomsrett, 2016 (1). Side 50-67.
Utmarksdomstolen for Finnmarks saklige kompetanse. Lov og Rett, 2016 (2). Side 67-81.
Christina Allard
Some Charecteristic Features of Scandinavian Laws and their Influence on Sami Matters. I: Indigenous Rights in Scandinavia: Autonomous Sami Law. (Ashgate, 2015).
Nigel Bankes
Themes and Reflections: A Perspective from Canada. I: Indigenous Rights in Scandinavia: Autonomous Sami Law. (Ashgate, 2015).
The Implications of Tsilhqot’in (William) and Grassy Narrows (Keewatin) decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada for the natural resources industries. Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, 2015 (3). Side 188-217.
Maria K. Labba
The Legal Organization of Sami Reindeer Herding and the Role of the Siida. I: Indigenous Rights in Scandinavia: Autonomous Sami Law. (Ashgate, 2015).
Øyvind Ravna
Disposisjonsprinsippets plass i jordskifteloven av 2013. Kart og Plan, 2015 (2). Side 121-132.
Recognition of Indigenous Lands Through the Norwegian 2005 Finnmark Act: An Important Example for Other Countries with Indigenous People? I: Indigenous Peoples’ Governance of Land and Protected Territories in the Arctic. (Springer, 2015).
The Sámi Influence in legislative Processes. I: Mapping Indigenous Presence. North Scandinavian and North American Perspectives. (University of Arizona Press, 2015).
Rettskartleggingen i Finnmark og reglene om alders tids bruk. Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 2015 (1). Side 53-90.
Susann F. Skogvang
Local Community Right to Fish: A Sami Perspective. I: Indigenous Rights in Scandinavia: Autonomous Sami Law. (Ashgate, 2015).
Mattias Åhren
To What Extent Can Indigenous Territories Be Expropriated? I: Indigenous Rights in Scandinavia: Autonomous Sami Law. (Ashgate, 2015).
Maria K. Labba
Mineral Activities on Reindeer Grazing Land in Sweden. Nordisk miljörättslig tidskrift, 2014 (1). Side 93-98.
Øyvind Ravna
Bruksordning etter jordskifteloven på Finnmarkseiendommens grunn. Kart og Plan, 2014 (3). Side 186-197.
The Fulfilment of Norway’s International Legal Obligations to the Sámi – Assessed by the Protection of Rights to Lands, Waters and Natural Resources. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 2014 (3). Side 297-329.
Utredning av beiterettigheter på Finnmarkseiendommens grunn. Kritisk Juss, 2014 (1). Side 6-25.
Susann F. Skogvang
Extractive Industries in the North - What about Environmental Law and Indigenous Peoples' Rights? Nordisk miljörättslig tidskrift, 2014 (1). Side 13-19.
Judicial Independence and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. I: The independence of judges. (Eleven International Publishing, 2014).
Mattias Åhren
International Human Rights Law Relevant to Natural Resource Extraction in Indigenous Territories - an Overview. Nordisk miljörättslig tidskrift, 2014 (1). Side 21-38.
Mattias Åhren og Antti Aikio
A reply to calls for an extension of the definitoin of Sami in Finland. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 2014 (1). Side 123-143.
Christina Allard
Who holds the reindeer herding right in Sweden? A key issue in legislation. I: The Proposed Nordic Saami Convention National and International Dimensions of Indigenous Property Rights. (Hart Publishing, 2013).
Øyvind Ravna
Finnmarkskommisjonens bevisvurderinger og rettsanvendelse – drøftet ut fra dens to første rapporter. Lov og Rett, 2013 (8). Side 555-574.
The Draft Nordic Saami Convention and the Assessment of Evidence of Saami Use of Land. I: The Proposed Nordic Saami Convention National and International Dimensions of Indigenous Property Rights. (Hart Publishing Ltd, 2013).
The First Investigation Report of the Norwegian Finnmark Commission. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 2013 (3). Side 443-457.
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. Journal of Siberian Federal University, 2013 (11). Side 1575-1591.
Mattias Åhren
Några folkrättsliga aspekter på Sveriges rovdjurspolitik i renskötselområdet. Jurdisk Tidskrift, 2013 (3). Side 620-651.
Några folkrättsliga aspekter på Finnmarksloven läst i ljuset av Finnmarkskommissionens första rapport. Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift, 2013 (4/143). Side 3-20.
Gunnar K. Eriksen
Foreldelse, hevd og alders tids bruk i Norge og Danmark-Norge fra middelalderen til naturretten. Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 2012 (5). Side 675-713.
Okkupasjon. I: Juss i nord: Hav, fisk og utfolk. (Gyldendal Juridisk, 2012).
Øyvind Ravna
Er rettskartleggingen i Finnmark en hensiktsmessig ordning i nasjonal rett? – sett i lys av Finnmarkskommisjonens mandattolkning. Lov og Rett, 2012 (12). Side 612-631.
Legal Protection of Coastal Sámi Culture and Livelihood in Norway. I: The Yearbook of Polar Law. (2012).
Reglene for rettskartleggingen på Finnmarkseiendommens grunn – og noen betraktninger om forutsigbarhet, partsdisposisjoner og ankeordning. Tidsskrift for eiendomsrett, 2012 (3). Side 153-182.
Samerett og samiske rettigheter i Norge. I: Juss i nord: Hav, fisk og utfolk. (Gyldendal Juridisk, 2012).
The protection of Sámi People's language, culture and way of life in Norwegian Constitution and other legislation. I: Cahiers d'Anthropologie du droit, 2011-2012 : Le statut des peuples autochtones : A la croisée des savoirs. (Karthala, 2012).
The Protection of Sámi People's Rights to Languge, Culture and Way of Life in the Norwegian Constitution. I: Cross-Border Law in the North. (Northern Arctic Federal University, 2012).
Susann F. Skogvang
Samisk kulturkompetanse - en forutsetning for dommeres uavhengighet. I: Dommernes uavhengighet. (Fagbokforlaget, 2012).
Christina Allard
Nordmalingsmålet: Urminnes hävd överspelad för renskötselrätten? Juridisk Tidskrift, 2011 (1). Side 117-128.
The Nordic countries’ law on Sámi territorial rights. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 2011 (2). Side 159-183.
The Swedish Nordmaling case. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 2011 (2). Side 225-228.
Christina Allard og Maria K. Labba
Samebyns interna organisation. Förvaltningsrättslig Tidskrift, 2011 (2). Side 197-236.
Øyvind Ravna
Bruksordning av reindriftsrettigheter i utkast til ny jordskiftelov. Kart og Plan, 2011 (1). Side 22-34.
Der eiendommen «går til høyeste fjell» – om fastlegging av eiendomsgrenser oppad i fjellheimen. Lov og Rett, 2011 (8). Side 472-491.
Om rettsfastsettende vedtak, semjedom og rettskraft i jordskifteprosessen. Lov og Rett, 2011 (8). Side 213-219.
Retten til domstoler med kvalifikasjoner i samisk rett. Kritisk Juss, 2011 (4). Side 219-242.
Rettsvirkningen av rettskartleggings og anerkjennelsesprosessen i Finnmark. Lov og Rett, 2011 (4). Side 220-240.
Samenes rett til land og vann, sett i lys av vekslende oppfatninger om samisk kultur i retts- og historievitenskapene. Historisk Tidsskrift, 2011 (2). Side 189-212.
Some important observations on the UN Report on the situation of the Sámi people in the Nordic Countries as it relates to the Sámi in Norway. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 2011 (1). Side 117-120.
The Finnmark act 2005 clarification process and trial "within a reasonable time". Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 2011 (2-3). Side 184-205.
The Process of Identifying Land Rights in parts of Northern Norway: Does the Finnmark Act Prescribe an Adequate Procedure within the National Law? I: The Yearbook of Polar Law. (2011).
Christina Allard
Urminnes hävd som förklaringsmodell för uppkomst av samiska rättigheter och dess tillämpning. I: Forskningsutmaningar för fastighetsrätten. En antologi. (Iustus förlag, 2012).
Gunnar K. Eriksen
Foreldelse, hevd og alders tids bruk. I: Natur, rett, historie. (Akademisk Publisering, 2010).
Øyvind Ravna
Sámi Legal Culture - and its Place in Norwegian Law. I: Rendevous of European Legal Cultures. (Fagbokforlaget, 2010).
Adgangen til å regulere småviltjakt på Finnmarkseiendommens grunn. Lov og Rett, 2010 (1-2). Side 27-46.
Alders tids bruk og hevd som ervervsgrunnlag i samiske områder - Særlig med vekt på kravet til aktsom god tro ved rettsidentifiseringen i Finnmark. Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 2010 (3). Side 464-504.
Jordbrukeres rettslige stilling under finnmarksloven, sammenliknet med andre liknende forvaltningsordninger. Tidsskrift for eiendomsrett, 2010 (1). Side 29-69.
Lappekodisillen av 1751 og dens rettslige betydning i dag. Lov og Rett, 2010 (7). Side 392-406.
Susann F. Skogvang
Ny minerallov og samiske rettigheter. Lov og Rett, 2010 (1-2). Side 47-67.
Lenke til denne siden