Research Group Centre for Care Research North

Our research regards adults and older adults with complex and lasting needs for health and care services, family caregivers/significant others, health and care services providers, and health and care services in the municipalities.

Our research contributes with knowledge for the further development of health and care practices.

The research group contributes actively to the study programs in the Department of health and care sciences.

The research group is interdisciplinary, and we use a wide range of methodological and theoretically informed approaches. Users of services are included in all phases of the research process.

Our priorities are:

  1. Municipal health and care services in an Arctic perspective
  2. Rehabilitation and trajectories requiring interdisciplinary and coordinated services
  3. User experiences and user involvement

The research group is co-organized with the Centre for care research north, which is part of the national Centre for care research network 

Cristin publications
