Research Group Centre for Care Research North

Our research regards adults and older adults with complex and lasting needs for health and care services, family caregivers/significant others, health and care services providers, and health and care services in the municipalities.

Our research contributes with knowledge for the further development of health and care practices.

The research group contributes actively to the study programs in the Department of health and care sciences.

The research group is interdisciplinary, and we use a wide range of methodological and theoretically informed approaches. Users of services are included in all phases of the research process.

Our priorities are:

  1. Municipal health and care services in an Arctic perspective
  2. Rehabilitation and trajectories requiring interdisciplinary and coordinated services
  3. User experiences and user involvement

The research group is co-organized with the Centre for care research north, which is part of the national Centre for care research network 

Cristin publications



Prioritization and Allocation of Long-Term Care in Nursing Homes: A study of Municipal Administrative Practices (PLIS)
Evaluation of Municipal Dental Hygienist (EvaKomTann)
DIVA – Digital first choice in a district municipality: Development of a model for organizing a virtual department in the health and care service
Establishing a knowledgebased continuous leadership development program in rural municipal healthcare: an appreciative inquiry study
The NORDA stroke study
The Patients Medication list (PLL)
Lightweight&Heavyweight IT
The Health Platform in Central Norway
Electronic Medication Management
Usage of artificial intelligence in image diagnostics
Rehabilitation trajectories and service provision for individuals with cognitive difficulties after stroke
Critical gerontology and critical health care policy research
Research on the use and effectiveness of employment specialists in Supported Employment programs
Old and Frail. Every day?
Ukrainian refugees' experiences with using health and welfare services in Norway
Occupational therapy in primary health services
HELCONOR - Implementing healthcare communities in Norway through formalized cooperation
Geographical variation in municipal home care services
Queer Perspectives in Health and Social Care Education
Effects of physical activity with e-health support in individuals with intellectual disabilities. A randomised controlled study
Outdoor rehabilitation
Determinants and variation of survival in Finnmark
Integrated care for persons with complex long-term care needs in municipal health and care services
Older adults with high utilization of somatic hospital services – which municipal health and care services do they receive?
Imagining age-friendly communities within communities
Theoretical and conceptual development of narrative inquiry and narrative care (for older adults)
Public dementia care in areas with Sami and Norwegian settlements

Research Group Centre for Care Research North

Department of health and care sciences, 6050 Langnes, 9037 Tromsø
77 64 40 00
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