Occupational therapy in primary health services

Multi-year research project, initiated and initially led by Cathrine Arntzen, funded by the Norwegian Association of Occupational Therapists. The purpose of the project is to investigate the characteristics of municipal occupational therapy in Norway before and after occupational therapy became a legally mandated service in Norwegian municipalities in 2020. The national survey aims to develop knowledge about the extent of occupational therapy in the municipalities, which user groups are offered occupational therapy, which work tasks are prioritized, and the opportunities and dilemmas experienced as a municipal occupational therapist. The study is based on two questionnaire surveys among occupational therapists in Norwegian municipalities in 2017 and in 2022, as well as focus group interviews. The study is now led by Associate Professor Linda Stigen at NTNU, and the project participants from UiT are Professor Cathrine Arntzen and Associate Professor Astrid Gramstad.


Bonsaksen, T., Horghagen, S., Arntzen, C., Gramstad A., Stigen, L. (2023). Job Satisfaction among Occupational Therapists Employed in Primary Care Services in Norway. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH doi: 10.3390/ijerph20065062.  

Gramstad, A., Stigen, L., Maass, R.E.K., Sveen, U., Horghagen, S., Arntzen C., Bonsaksen, T. (2022). Er det regionale skilnader når det gjeld kommuneergoterapeutane i Noreg? Ergoterapeuten. https://ntnuopen.ntnu.no/ntnu-xmlui/bitstream/handle/11250/3047329/Gramstad%2Bet%2Bal.%252C%2B2022.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Maass, R.E.K., Bonsaksen, T., Gramstad, A., Sveen, U., Stigen, L., Arntzen, C., Horghagen, S. (2021). Factors associated with the establishment of new occupational therapist positions in Norwegian municipalities after the Coordination reform. Health Services Insights (HSI Journal). doi: 10.1177/1178632921994908

Horghagen, S., Bonsaksen, T., Sveen, U., Dolva, A., Arntzen, C. (2020) Generalists, specialist and generic positions experienced by occupational therapists in Norwegian municipalities. The Irish journal of occupational therapy. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJOT-03-2020-0006/full/html

Bonsaksen, T., Dolva, A., Horghagen, S., Sveen, U., Hagby, C., Arntzen, C. (2019), Community-working occupational therapists serving as fieldwork supervisors: Characteristics and associated factors. The open journal of occupational therapy.  10.15453/2168-6408.1627

Bonsaksen, T., Dolva, A., Horghagen, S., Sveen, U., Hagby, C., Arntzen, C. (2019). Characteristics of community-based occupational therapy: Results of a Norwegian survey. Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy. https://doi.org/10.1080/11038128.2019.1609085

Arntzen, C., Sveen, U., Hagby, C., Bonsaksen, T., Dolva, A., Horghagen, S. (2019) Community-based occupational therapy in Norway: Content, dilemmas, and priorities. Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy. doi: 10.1080/11038128.2018.1548647

Bonsaksen, T., Sveen, U., Dolva, A., Horghagen, S., Thyness, E.M., Hagby, C., Arntzen, C. (2018). Perceived influence on service goals among community-working occupational therapists in Norway. Journal og primary care & community health. doi: 10.1177/2150132718813491

Bonsaksen, T., Dolva, A., Hagby, C., Sveen, U., Horghagen, S., Thyness, E.M., Arntzen, C. (2018). Involvement in research and development projects among community-working occupational therapists in Norway. Occupational therapy in health care. doi: 10.1080/07380577.2018.1526434




Astrid Gramstad
Cathrine Arntzen