Rehabilitation trajectories and service provision for individuals with cognitive difficulties after stroke

 Sub-study of The NORDA stroke study that qualitatively and quantitatively describes and compares the course, organization, and content of rehabilitation services for people with stroke living in Northern Norway and Southern Denmark.

The NORDA stroke study is a collaborative project between UiT, UNN, and Hammel Neurocenter in Denmark. Three PhD projects and a multi-year project are based on the NORDA stroke study. The studies are funded by Helse Nord and UiT. Results from the NORDA study led to the establishment of the innovation and co-creation project, RehabLos. One sub-study is still ongoing:

"Rehabilitation trajectories and service provision for individuals with cognitive difficulties after stroke"

PhD candidate: Anniken Bogstrand

Supervisors: Cathrine Arntzen (main supervisor), Astrid Gramstad, Audny Anke, Henriette Holm Stabel.


Cathrine Arntzen (Principal investigator) (Project manager)