Center for Language, Brain & Learning

About C-LaBL

Research at the Center for Language, Brain and Learning (C-LaBL) investigates how multiple languages interact in the mind/brain. By fostering collaborative research across linguistic theories, neuroscience, and language acquisi­tion/pro­cessing, we focus on the effects of multilingualism – for the languages involved, for the brains that house them, and for the learning and teaching of multiple languages.

C-LaBL is divided into three domains of study (Language, Brain, and Learning) that are linked by a cross-cutting research theme focusing on Linguistic Distance. The core work of C-LaBL investigates the interaction of multiple grammars in the multilingual mind/brain, with a main focus on the significance of lin­guistic dis­tance (simi­lari­ties/differences be­tween languages) for: (1) development, (2) crosslinguistic influence, (3) neuro­cognitive adapta­tions in the brain as a result of multi­lingual experience, and (4) instructed additional language learning.

Our work is theore­tically motivated and uses a variety of research methods, inclu­ding offline behavioral experiments, eye-tracking, electro­encephalography (EEG), and Magnetic Resonance Ima­ging (MRI).

The center is funded by the Trond Mohn Foundation and UiT The Arctic University of Norway 2024-2030. C-LaBL builds on and expands research done in the AcqVA Aurora center, which is funded by the Aurora Center Program at UiT, 2020-2026. 

For events at the center, take a look at the calendar.


C-LaBL consists of three do­mains, Lang­uage, Brain and Learning, which are by design tightly connected and feed into each other through an overarching research theme: Linguistic Distance.

The three domains and the cross-cutting research theme of C-LaBL
The three domains and the cross-cutting research theme of C-LaBL.

Click on the domains below to read more.


CIs: Terje Lohndal, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Westergaard, Sergey Minor;
Professor II: Ludovica Serratrice


CIs: Jason Rothman, Vincent DeLuca;
Professor II: Jubin Abutalebi


CIs: Roumyana Slabakova, Anne Dahl, Øystein A. Vangsnes;
Professor II: Victoria Murphy



C-LaBL Leadership

Core investigators

C-LaBL Postdoctoral and PhD Fellows

Other members

Scientific advisory board


C-LaBL organises regular events, click the buttons below for the semester schedule. You can also check our calendar on the AcqVA Lab page (here). If you want to receive calendar invitations and updates from C-LaBL, you can subscribe to our mailing list (you can add your first name and last name in the subject of the email, but be sure to leave the body blank!).

Happening next

Reading Groups

C-LaBL hosts six reading groups, each focused on a specific topic. To view the schedule for each group, click the buttons below.


For a complete list of publications, please check the members’ webpages or individual research profiles in CRIStin (Current Research Information System in Norway). Publication highlights from previous years may be found on the AcqVA website.


AcqVA Lab
PoLaR Lab

           Flere språk til flere           

Flere språk til flere (More languages to more people) is C-LaBL’s outreach service. We are a branch of the research and information center Bilingualism Matters, a global network of more than 25 universities working on multilingualism, founded by Prof. Antonella Sorace in 2008. Our goal is to communicate research findings on multilingualism and language learning to a broader public. We believe that everyone can enjoy the benefits of having more than one language.

 Do you want to know more about multilingualism and language learning? Flere språk til flere can:

For further information, advice or to arrange a talk, please email us at Postboks-FSF@HSL.uit.no. You can follow us on Facebook or visit our website.

Flere språk til flere is directed by Yulia Rodina

Språkdag med C-LaBL (Event)


C-LaBL is active on LinkedIn, Bluesky , and Facebook (our X account only exists to protect our name). Video recordings are available on our YouTube channel.

Thank to all who submitted abstracts to #EuroSLA34 and to our reviewers who evaluated them! 📢 Notifications of acceptance will be sent out this week, so please keep an eye on your inbox! 📅Early-bird registration opens next week on March 3rd 🔗https://en.uit.no/tavla/artikkel/845263/eurosla_34

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— Center for Language, Brain and Learning (@c-labl.bsky.social) February 24, 2025 at 11:41 AM

For The 25th International Mother Language Day of the United Nations today, 21st of February, domain leaders Vince DeLuca, Natalia Mitrofanova, and C-LaBL director @vangsnes.bsky.social were interviewed about the benefits of multilingualism. @uitnorgesarktiske.bsky.social #linguistics #langsky

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— Center for Language, Brain and Learning (@c-labl.bsky.social) February 21, 2025 at 5:08 PM

It was a pleasure having Kamil Długosz and Jakub Przybył, from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland over for a collaboration visit on the AcqCESS project this past two weeks 🤩 🔗https://uit.no/research/clabl/project?pid=867706

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— Center for Language, Brain and Learning (@c-labl.bsky.social) February 21, 2025 at 11:04 AM

C-LaBL in the press

Want to work with us?

You can participate in our work by taking part in our studies through the AcqVA Lab and the PoLaR Lab, or you can join our research effort by applying for a position!

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Multilingualism
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Multilingualism and Neurocognition
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Multilingualism and Language Learning

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Language acquisition/Multilingualism

C-LaBL – Center for Language, Brain & Learning

A2008 HSL Faculty
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