The University Library – Science and Health Library
The University Library – Science and Health Library

UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Universitetsbiblioteket – Natur- og helsefag
Hansine Hansens veg 62
Phone: 77 64 48 00
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Universitetsbiblioteket – Natur- og helsefag
Postboks 6050 Stakkevollan
Access to the library
Employees and students with an affiliation to the fields of health and science have card access, and can use the library 07.00-23.00, every day, all year round.
Other employees and students as well as external users can access the library Monday-Thursday 07.00-17.00 and Friday 07.00-16.00. Once inside the library you can stay until 23.00.
If needed, contact:
Phone 77 64 48 00 or post@ub.uit.no