BED-8004 Academic entrepreneurship (2 ECTS)
BED-8004 Academic entrepreneurship (2 ECTS)

Entrepreneurship, teamwork and networking are elements that are increasingly important for PhD candidates that want to succeed in and outside of academia and especially for those that see a potential for commercialization in their research work. This course on innovation and entrepreneurship is the place to start if you are a PhD candidate wanting to turn your research into business. We will support doctoral candidates across all disciplines to develop an enterprising mindset and understand how innovation works.
Using a challenge-based problem-solving approach, course participants will expand their disciplinary comfort zone and develop their creativity by trying to solve challenges given to them at the beginning of the course. Participants will work in small and diverse groups over one week and go together through an entrepreneurial journey to solve these challenges by developing a (virtual) venture. The journey starts with a creative brainstorming session to identify solutions to the problem and ends with a pitch that will be evaluated by an expert panel. The course will use a combination of lectures, guest lectures from academic entrepreneurs, assignments in smaller groups, and presentations in plenary sessions. Norinnova will showcase local ventures, present how UiT supports spin-off creation by PhD students, and inform about financing opportunities in Norway and in Europe.
Submission of a short pre-assignment about the participant`s background. Mandatory online module with videos and exercise and a short assessment. More information will be announced on Canvas.
Course schedule
This course is an intensive 5 days-course and is offered in the spring semester. Please check the UiT course catalogue for the exact dates.
There will be an oral exam at the last day of the course and participants have to submit a short report through wiseflow. Both submissions will be evaluated by an expert panel and represent the exam of the course. The grading is passed or fail.