Our research group focuses on studies of structure and function of high-latitude marine ecosystems. We work on a large variety of organisms, ranging from bacteria through plankton, benthic animals and parasites, to top predators such as fish and marine mammals, and often take a system-level approach. Understanding trophic interactions, life cycles and the responses of organisms to various biotic and abiotic factors including changing climate are common interests within the group. Members of our group also ecotoxicological questions.
Master students are an integral part of our research group and participate actively in group meetings, both scientific and social. If you are interested in a MSc project within our research group, feel free to contact our present our recently graduated MSc students for inside information about us and their projects. Many of the master students are also parts of ongoing national and international research projects - follow the links for more information.
Information for new/upcoming MSc students
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Pedersen, Torstein. Ecosystem dynamics, foodwebs and fisheries, population dynamics, shallow water fish nursery areas, climate effects on the Barents Sea
Reigstad, Marit. Sub-arctic to arctic marine ecosystems, plankton, bentho-pelagic coupling, ecosystem responses to climate change
Svensen, Camilla. Zooplankton ecology, biological pump, copepod feeding and reproduction, seasonality in plankton
Current MSc students
Emma Forss, 2023-2024. Investigating the effect of reduced salinity on the productivity and photophysiology of the sea ice algae Melosira arctica.
Ricarda Cremer, 2023-2024. Physiological impact of waterborne crude oil exposure to reproducing polar cod. Advisor: Jasmine Nahrgang
Florence Rappin (Erasmus student), 2024. Winter grazing of copepods at the polar front. Advisor: Sünnje Basedow
Lorenz Schick (Erasmus student), 2024. Seasonal variation of marine snow at the polar front. Advisor: Sünnje Basedow
Ida Søhol, 2024. Characterizing Ridge fauna in the Central Arctic Ocean. Advisors: Bodil Bluhm, Eva Ramirez-Llodra.
Guro Bang Synnes, 2024. Effects of future temperature conditions on shallow water coastal ecosystems. Advisor: Torstein Pedersen
Rae Hansen, 2024-2025. Meiofaunal Microbiome Nutrition & Contribution to Carbon Fixation at Arctic Methane Cold Seeps. Advisors: Arunima Sen (UNIS), Bodil Bluhm
Master theses completed (since 2012)
Adela Apasiri Klasmeier, 2024. Larval feeding ecology of polar cod in the Greenland Sea.
August Kristiansen, 2024. Mapping and assessing eelgrass (Zostera marina) distribution and growth parameters in two Ramsar-sites.
Octavia Wistnes Mørch, 2024. Interactions between 0-group Saithe and 0-group coastal cod in shallow nursery area.
Megan Lenss, 2024. Phytoplankton bloom dynamics and ocean biogeochemistry in Dronning Maud Land of the Southern Ocean.
Emilie Os-Trandem, 2024. Assessment of the levels of organohalogenated contaminants in the eggs of two Arctic seabird species and the effect on eggshell thickness.
André Marhaug, 2024. Investigating plastic-induced fibrosis (plasticosis) in Northern Fulmar fledglings (Fulmarus glacialis) from Svalbard.
Sanne L'Abee-Lund, 2024. Climate-driven reconfiguration of coastal food webs. sla186@post.uit.no.
Thomas Courtin, 2022. Temporal trends in mercury concentrations in eggs of Tawny owl (Strix aluco) from Central Norway between 1986-2019: influence of dietary ecological parameters and climate variables. Fanny Hägg, 2022. Ingestion of Tyre Crumb Rubber and Uptake of Associated Contaminants in Marine Invertebrates (Pandalus borealis) and Fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) – An Experimental Exposure StudyJanina Osanen, 2022. Application of an Underwater Hyperspectral Imager (UHI) for the study of sea ice algae.Zoé Forgereau, 2022. Photophysiology and Primary Production of Arctic Sea Ice Algae.Anna Miettinen, 2022. Experimental evidence for species-specific adherence of nanoplastic particles in Arctic phytoplankton communities.Sebastian Andersen, 2022. Turbid Arctic Coastal Waters: Potential Hotspots for Primary Productivity.Eleanor Handler, 2022. Melt season dynamics in a High Arctic estuarine tidal flat: A microbial perspective.Laura Martin Garcia, 2022. Species-specific growth rates of sea ice diatoms in relation to different light levels.Inger-Helen Gylseth, 2022. Lipidinnhold hos Calanus spp. i havområdene rundt Svalbard og i Polhavet i juli og august. Kan Video Plankton Recorder gi nyttig informasjon om lipidinnhold i sammenheng med fysiske parametere?Fredrik Berger, 2022. Species identification skills in students using either Artsapp or Artsorakelet.Jessica Niklass, 2022. Historic changes in biomass and abundance in seaweed-associated fauna in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Benjamin Mooney, 2021. Microsetella norvegica and marine snow vertical distributions in Porsangerfjord. Can we expect an effect on vertical particle flux?Felix Tulatz. Plastic ingestion by northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) in Svalbard and plastic-related contaminants. 2021Sushmita Thapa. Cultivation of Saccharina latissima (sugar kelp) using sea urchin crush as a nutrient source. 2021Eirin Husabø. Contrasting body burdens of Organohalogenated contaminants (OHCs) in two Arctic Glaucous gull Larus hyperboreus colonies in relation to their dietary ecology. 2021Stine Benjaminsen. Plastic occurrence in six different species of Arctic seabirds - Harmonizing methods and closing knowledge gaps on plastic occurrence and polymer identity. 2021Alexandra Abrahams. Ingestion and egestion of microplastic fibers in the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis: An experimental exposure. 2021Tom Einar Andreassen. Assessment of nursery areas for coastal cod. 2020Susan Dugan. Epibenthic and Demersal Fish Community Structure and the Effects of EnvironmentalConditions in the Sub-Arctic Fjords Vengsøyfjorden and Kaldfjorden. 2020Daniel Fernández Román. Interannual variability (2014-2019) of hydrography, fluorescence and nutrient distribution in Vestfjorden, Lofoten. 2020Lucie Hélène Marie Goraguer. Sympagic-pelagic coupling and vertical export in two seasonally ice-covered fjords. Study of the physical and biological drivers in the sub-Arctic Ramfjorden (Norwegian mainland) and the Arctic Van Mijenfjorden (Svalbard archipelago) during early spring bloom. 2020Cassandra Grandlund. Developmental effects of embryonic exposure to water-soluble fraction of crude oil on early life stages of capelin (Mallotus villosus). 2020Vegard Stürzinger. Let it glow! Adapting a method to detect microplastics in snow and evaluate the potential for long-range transport. 2020Ingunn Solheim Johnsen. Effects of drains and aquaculture farms as possible sources for microplastics in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). 2019Camilla Kvitberg Lehne. Effects of changes in biomass of cod and haddock in the Barents Sea – an ecosystem modelling approach. 2019Eskil Dahl Olaussen. Biology of five fish species in Malangen, Northern Norway. Growth, maturation and mortality of greater argentine (Argentina silus), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), silvery pout (Gadiculus argenteus thori) and Norway pout (Trisopterus esmarkii). 2019Ole Johannes Ringnander Sørensen. Fish communities in shallow coastal waters – a study of effects of season and bottom substrate. 2019Camille Saint-Andre. The feeding ecology of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Norwegian coastal communities. 2019Nestór Santanana Hernandéz. A patch of Calanus finmarchicus in the Lofoten-Vesterålen Region. Characteristics and determining factors. 2019Bamidele Theophilus Opeifa. Cryo-preservation of Lump fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) sperm for commercial production. 2019Theo Beroujon. Zooplankton communities on the Northeast coast of Greenland. How can we explain vertical and regional distribution? 2019 Ragnar Teisrud. Cardiotoxic effects of a crude oil water soluble fraction on polar cod larvae. 2019Elisabeth Hansen. Impact of anthropogenic stressors on physiological stress of raptor chicks. 2019Charlotte Pedersen Ugelstad. Effects of terrestrial inputs on community structure of soft-bottom benthos in Isfjorden, Svalbard. 2019Nathalie Carrasco. Effects of terrestrial inputs and seasonality, on coastal pelagic foodweb structure and contaminant trophodynamics in Adventfjorden, Svalbard. 2019Peter Glad. Seasonal occurrence of Oithona similis (Cyclopoida), Microsetella norvegica (harpacticoida) and Microcalanus spp. (calanoida), and productivity of O. similis in three high-latitude Norwegian fjords. 2018Julia Gossa. Behavioral repsonse of polar cod larvae exposed to the water-soluble fraction of crude oil at two different temperatures. 2018Tove Hilstad Skotnes. The use of telomeres as health biomarkers in sea eagle nestlings: temporal variation, confounding factors and indicators of pollutant exposure. 2018Anna Lippold. Temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants in polar bears. 2018Tara Stitzlein. The Marine Plastic Microbiome: Microbial Colonization of Polymer Surfaces in the Arctic Marine Environment. 2018Rosalyn Fredriksen. Epibenthic Community Structure in East Greenland and the Canadian Archipelago (Kitikmeot Sea). 2018Hanna Ellerine Helle Danielsen. Reproductive ecology of the Barents Sea snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio). 2018Amalia Keck. Recolonization and succession of a shallow rocky-bottom macrobenthic community in Smeerenburgfjord, NW Svalbard. 2018Martí Amargant-Arumí. Marine microbial food web ecology during the Arctic polar night. 2018Kevin Salbuvik. Skeletal anomalies and shape variation in diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed different diets. 2018Caroline Aas Tranang. Epibenthic fauna in Balsfjord. Potential food for the invasive red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) with special attention to the deposit-feeding sea star Ctenodiscus crispatus. 2017Mikaela Tillman. Using food web structure based on stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes to investigate pelagic-benthic coupling in different areas of the Barents Sea. 2017Sophie Scotter. Contaminant exposure and pathogen prevalence in Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) from Svalbard, Norway. 2017Kristoffer Kiærbach. Do diet of long rough dab (Hippoglossoides platessoides) differ between fjords with and without red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)? A study of summer diet. 2017Sebastiaan Koppelle. Climate-mediated increases in organic matter export to arctic coastal waters: Effects on lower food web structure and contaminant bioaccumulation. 2016Estelle Coguiec. Seasonal population dynamics of two copepod species, Calanus finmarchicus and Metridia longa in a high latitude fjord (Balsfjord, 69 N). 2016Marine Cusa. Effects of seasonality and spatial heterogeneity on Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) diet in Svalbard waters. 2016Christine Dybwad.Vertical carbon export at the seasonal sea ice zone, with focus on zooplankton faecal pellet production and shelf-to-basin variations. 2016Margrethe Kristine Nilsen. Sampling strategies, Distribution and Concentration of Planktonic Salmon Lice Copepods in the outer Hardangerfjord and the Altafjord. 2016Sigurd Benjaminsen. Foraging behavior of chick-rearing common guillemots, recorded by GPS and time-depth recorder devices. 2015Marlen Knutsen. Ageing structures and growth estimates of spiny dogfish (Squalias acanthias) in Norwegian waters. 2015Renate Thorvaldsen. No evidence of optimal foraging in chick-raising black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) in the Southern Barents Sea. 2015Jørgen Wiesener. A study of bottom conditions and abundance and density of fish and echinoderms – an evaluation of underwater video as method. 2015Morgan Bender. Physiological effects of chronic dietary petroleum contamination on reproduction in polar cod (Boreogadus saida). 2015Pierre Priou. Associations between herbivorous zooplankton, phytoplankton and hydrography in Porsangerfjord, northern Norway. 2015Alejandro Prat Varela. Vertical distributions of zooplankton using the Video Plankton Recorder in two high-latitude fjords. “A case study on diel migration in Billefjorden, Svalbard, and seasonal migration in Porsangerfjord, northern Norway. 2015Nina Elisabeth Henriksen. Soft-bottom communities in Balsfjord: Stable over time or under change? 2015Paul Dubourg. Developmental toxicity of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) embryos to the crude oil water soluble fraction". Cooperation UiT/University of Applied Science, Bremen. PDF available upon request. 2015Libe Aranguren.The utility of in vitro Precision-Cut Liver Slices to investigate toxicity pathways of contaminants in polar cod (Boreogadus saida). 2015Apolline Laenger. (Cooperation UiT/Université Le Mans, France / UiT): Biological responses of Mytilus spp. to marine diesel spill: differential responses between reference and contaminant pre-exposed specimens". Cooperation UiT/University of Angers. 2015Maria Terese Antonsen. Annual population dynamics of the small harpacticoid copepod Microsetella norvegica in a high latitude fjord (Balsfjord, Northern Norway). 2014Solveig Enoksen. The summer diet of hooded (Cystophora cristata) and harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus) seals in the West Ice. 2014Alexandra Mackee (Cooperation UiT/University of Southampton): An optimisation of the electron transport system (ETS) assay for Boreogadus saida and an analysis of the whole body and cellular respiration with exposure to dietary crude oil. PDF available upon request. 2013Kristin Heggland. Relation between habitat characteristics and abundance, diet and condition of 0-group cod in two northern Norwegian fjords. 2013Ekaterina Storhaug. Reproduction and winter biology of polar cod Boreogadus saida from Svalbard waters. 2012Emma Katarina Källgren. Population dynamics, diet and trophic positioning of three small demersal fish species within Porsangerfjord, Norway. 2012Christer Michaelsen. Habitat choice of juvenile coastal cod: the role of macroalgae habitats for juvenile coastal cod (Gadus morhua L.) in Porsangerfjorden and Ullsfjorden in Northern Norway. 2012
Ongoing PhD projects
Bernhard Schartmüller, 2016-2024. Underwater hyperspectral imaging: Methods for identification, monitoring and mapping of light regime and biogeochemical objects in polar regions. Main supervisors: Jørgen Berge and Geir Johnsen (NTNU)
Claudia Erhart, 2019-2024. Biological effects of crude oil in fish species from the Barents Sea. Main supervisor: Jasmine Nahrgang
Christine Gawinski, 2019-2024. Seasonal production and population patterns of mesozooplankton in the northern Barents Sea, with a special focus on copepods with contrasting life-history traits. Main supervisors: Camilla Svensen, Malin Daase, Slawomir Kwasniewski (IOPAN Poland)
Marti Amargant Arumi, 2019-2024. Pelagic and sympagic primary production in the Barents Sea across season. Main supervisor: Rolf Gradinger
Kristin Heggland, 2020-2024. Can Arctic Calanus copepods adapt to climate change? Main supervisors: Camilla Svensen, Haakon Hop (NPI)
Snorre Flo, 2019-2024. Diet assessments in small Arctic marine invertebrates using molecular tools. Main supervisors: Camilla Svensen, Anna Vader (UNIS); co-supervisors: Bodil Bluhm, Kim Præbel
Eva Chamorro Garrido, 2021-2024. High resolution spatial-temporal variability of Calanus spp. and its relationship with hydrographic variables in the Norwegian Sea. Main supervisors: Sünnje Basedow (UiT), Ingrid Ellingsen (SINTEF-Ocean) and Kanchana Bandara (UiT)
Amalia Keck Al-Habahbeh. 2021-2025. Climate effects in coastal benthic ecosystems over the past 40+ years: from northern Norway to Svalbard and beyond. Supervisors: Bodil Bluhm, Raul Primicerio, Mikael Sejr (Aarhus University)
Nicolas, Gosset, 2021-2025. Spatio-temporal distribution and large-scale patches of zooplankton communities in the Norwegian Sea. Main supervisor: Sünnje Linnéa Basedow
Rosalie McKay, 2021-2025. Variability in sea ice productivity under a changing climate. Main supervisors: Karley Campbell, Rolf Gradinger
Joel Vikberg Wernstrøm. 2022-2025. Benthic Metazoan Meiofauna of the Barents Sea – Ecology, Systematics and Evolution. Main supervisors: Andreas Altenburger (UMAK) and Bodil Bluhm
Marja Gächter, 2022-2026. Assessing microbial respiration in sea ice habitats of the Arctic. Main supervisor: Karley Campbell
Tiziana Durazzano, 2023-2027. Functional traits of copepods in the Barents Sea. Main supervisor: Camilla Svensen, co-supervisors: Andre Visser (DTU-Aqua), Janne Søreide (UNIS), Haakon Hop (NPI)
Abigail Chapman, 2023-2027. Reproductive toxicity and transgenerational effects of petroleum mixtures in fish. Main supervisor: Jasmine Nahrgang
Marta Prieto del Campo, 2024-2028. Freshwater and temperature modulated predator-prey interactions in high-latitude rocky intertidal. Main supervisor: Markus Molis co-supervisor: Frank Melzner (GEOMAR Kiel, Germany)
Hanna Modin, 2024-2028. (to be defined) Arctic benthos - biodiversity and carbon budget perspectives. Advisory team: Bodil Bluhm, Raul Primicerio, Paul Renaud (Akva-plan Niva and UNIS), Jennifer Dannheim (AWI)
Completed PhD Dissertations (2023-2011)
Yasemin Bodur, 2024. Seasonal patterns of particle aggregation, vertical flux and pelagic-benthic coupling in Arctic marine ecosystems. Main supervisors: Marit Reigstad, Paul Renaud (Akvaplan-niva)
Christine Dybwad, 2023. What sinks in the seasonal sea-ice zone? Seasonal patterns and composition of downward carbon export in a changing Arctic Ocean. Main supervisors: Marit Reigstad, co-supervisors: Paul Renaud (APN/UNIS), Catherine Lalande
Elisabeth Hansen, 2023. Physiological and ecological effects of organic and inorganic contaminants in marine and terrestrial raptor species. Main supervisor: Sophie Bourgeon
Estelle Coguiec, 2023. Zooplankton seasonality in sub-Arctic fjord: from community to individual behaviour. Main supervisors: Jørgen Berge, Malin Daase
Coralie Barth-Jensen, 2023. The role of small copepods in high-latitude ecosystems. Main supervisor: Camilla Svensen; co-supervisors: Peter Thor, Marja Koski, Øystein Varpe (UiB)
Raphaelle Descoteaux, 2022. Phenology of life cycles in benthic invertebrates of the Arctic seasonal ice zone. Main supervisor: Bodil Bluhm, co-supervisors: Paul Renaud (APN), Kim Præbel, Randi Ingvaldsen (IMR), Jørgen Berge
Erin H. Kunisch, 2022. Life cycles, resource use, and trophic links in Arctic marine fauna. Main supervisor: Bodil Bluhm, co-supervisors: Rolf Gradinger, Øystein Varpe (UiB)
Irina Zhulay, 2022. Arctic Deep-sea benthos: Biodiversity, food web, and biological traits. Main supervisor: Bodil Bluhm, co-supervisor: Paul Renaud (APN)
Maeve McGovern, 2022. Land-Ocean Interactions: Effects of terrestrial inputs on coastal food-web structure and contamination in an Arctic fjord system. Main supervisor: Amanda Poste (NIVA/UiT), Anita Evenset (APN)
Vonnahme Tobias Reiner, 2021. Microbial food webs in the seasonal ice zone: Linking observations and experiments to dynamic modeling. Main supervisor: Rolf Gradinger
Matsson Böris Sanna Christina, 2021. Fouling of macro epibionts on cultivated Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae) - In situ temporal and spatial variation. Main supervisor: Bodil Bluhm, co-supervisors: Hartvig Christie (NIVA), Anna Metaxas (Univ. Dalhousie)
Bender Morgan Lizabeth, 2020. Jasmine Nahrgang Polar Cod in a Changing Arctic - Toxicity of crude oil on sensitive life history stages of a key Arctic species. Main supervisor: Jasmine Nahrgang
Bakke Snorre, 2019. Life history and distribution of the edible crab (Cancer pagurus) in Norway”. Main supervisor: Einar Magnus Nilssen
Kvernvik Ane-Cecilie, 2019. Ecophysiological Responses of Sea Ice Algae and Phytoplankton to a Changing Arctic. Main supervisors: Marit Reigstad, Eva Leu (APN)
Michelsen Helena Kling, 2017. Seasonal and spatial dynamics of meroplankton in a sub-Arctic fjord With additional focus on larvae of the invasive red king crab. Main supervisor: Torstein Pedersen
Vieweg Ireen, 2017. Biological effects of dietary crude oil on polar cod (Boreogadus saida). Main supervisor: Jasmine Nahrgang
Grenvald Julie Cornelius, 2017. Understanding winter patterns of zooplankton Diel Vertical Migration (DVM) in a high Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). Main supervisor: Jørgen Berge
Bailey Allison Michelle, 2017. The fate of a key Arctic copepod in future ocean acidification: Integrating molecular, organismal, and evolutionary thinking in the face of climate change. Main supervisor: Camilla Svensen
Lars H. Larsen, 2017. Navigare necesse est". Bio - Environmental implications of shipping in the European Arctic. Main supervisor: Torstein Pedersen
Grote Ulrike, 2017.Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus in a warming Arctic - Implications of increasing temperature at the individual and population level. Main supervisor: Paul Wassmann
Stübner Eike Ingrid, 2016. Seasonality of Meroplankton in Svalbard Waters. Main supervisor: Marit Reigstad
Fuhrmann Mona Maria, 2016. The role of the invasive red king crab in the food web of a high-latitude fjord - Studying macrobenthic communities and trophic control in Porsangerfjord, northern Norway. Main supervisor: Torstein Pedersen
Marquardt Miriam, 2016. Marine microbial eukaryotes in Svalbard waters: Seasonality, community composition and diversity. Main supervisors: Marit Reigstad, Tove Gabrielsen (UNIS)
Wiedmann Ingrid, 2015. Potential drivers of the downward carbon and particle flux in Arctic marine ecosystems under contrasting hydrographical and ecological situations. Main supervisors: Marit Reigstad, Paul Wassmann, Sünnje Basedow
Ramasco Virginie, 2015. Spatial and temporal patterns of foraging of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Porsangerfjord: from behavioural interpretation to resource selection. Main supervisor: Einar Magnus Nilssen
Vihtakari Mikko Juhani, 2015. Bivalves as indicators of environmental perturbations related to climate and ocean acidification. Main supervisor: Bjørn Gulliksen, Paul Renaud
Vogedes Daniel Ludwig, 2014.Calanus spp. in the Arctic ecosystem- a story on predation, distribution and methodology Main supervisor: Jørgen Berge
Lynghammar Arve, 2014. Chondrichthyan fishes in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas - do we know our species? Main supervisor: Jørgen Schou Christiansen
Hovinen Johanna Emilia Heidi, 2014. Foraging, reproduction and survival of the zooplanktivorous seabird Little Auk (Alle alle) in the Arctic in relation to climatic and environmental variability. Main supervisor: Jørgen Berge
Kristin Windsland, 2014. The invasive red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus): Mortality, individual growth and dispersal in Norwegian waters. Main supervisor: Torstein Pedersen
Nina Mikkelsen, 2013. Predation on the demersal fish eggs of capelin Mallotus villosus and lumpsucker Cyclopterus lumpus in relation to recruitment. Main supervisor: Torstein Pedersen
Silje Ramsvatn, 2013. Investigating coastal ecosystem structure and dynamics using Ecopath mass-balance modeling and stable isotope data. Main supervisor: Torstein Pedersen
Lise H. Ofstad, 2013. Anglerfish Lophius piscatorius L. in Faroese waters. Main supervisor: Torstein Pedersen
Aarbakke Ole Nicolai Staurland, 2013.Pseudocalanus (Copepoda: Calanoida) of the North Atlantic Ocean - Species composition, environmental preferences and phylogeography. Main supervisors: Fredrika Norrbin, Svein Erik Fevolden
Aubert Anais Beatrice, 2012. Stoichiometry of lipid synthesizing calanoid copepods in Arctic and sub-Arctic marine regions. Main supervisor: Paul Wassmann
Pétursdóttir Hildur, 2012. Trophic relationships and the role of Calanus in the oceanic ecosystems south and north of Iceland. Main supervisor: Stig Falk-Petersen
Wold Anette, 2012.Calanus glacialis - the role of lipids in the life cycle and for the Arctic pelagic food web. Main supervisors: Marit Reigstad, Stig Falk-Petersen
Seuthe Lena, 2011. Planktonic food webs in the Arctic Ocean: Structure and function in contrasting seasons and physical settings across Fram Strait. Main supervisors: Marit Reigstad, Paul Wassmann
Lødemel Helene Louise Hodal, 2011. Primary production and the relevance of small autotrophic and heterotrophic cells in arctic marine ecosystems. Main supervisor: Svein Kristiansen
Jensen Louise Kiel, 2011. Acute and long-term effects from petroleum discharges on temperate and Arctic Calanus species. Main supervisor: Paul Wassmann
Nygård Henrik Andreas, 2011. Scavenging amphipods in the high Arctic. Studies of benthic and sympagic amphipods in the genera Onisimus and Anonyx. Main supervisor: Jørgen Berge
Iversen Kriss Wenche Rokkan, 2011. The microbial food web in a changing Arctic Ocean: Seasonal structure and function, regulatory mechanisms and carbon dynamics in Svalbard waters. Main supervisors: Marit Reigstad, Paul Wassmann