Our research group focuses on social and cultural factors that shape sport, friluftliv and health-related activities. We aim to gain a deeper understanding of how people develop interest and engagement in different types of sport and friluftsliv practices and adopt a healthy lifestyle whereas others don’t.
Our research covers a broad spectrum of areas ranging from friluftsliv-, outdoor- and nature-related topics to elite sport. Main focuses include
Andersen, Sigmund / Bjørkesett, Eva / Frøhaug, Hans-Petter / Granerud, Øivind / Krempig, Inger Wallem / Michaelsen, Bjørn / Omma, Frida Marie / Reinold, Marcel / Rolland, Carsten Gade / Rosbø, June Anthonsen / Skille, Eivind Åsrum / Stålstrøm, Jannicke
PhD dissertations
Andersen, Trine Lise (2021) Prestasjonskultur - «There ain't no cure». En studie av lederstilen til en landslagstrener i fotball.
Stephensen, Matthew (2021) Shaping the Perception of Risk: Investigating a Paradigmatic Case of Applied Decision Making under Uncertainty