Nature guiding, sustainable tourism and Sámi knowledge
The background of the PhD-projects is nature-based tourism as sustainable activities in local communities, both financially throughout the year and at the same time taking care of nature and culture. The aim is to investigate whether nature guides in nature-based tourism can contribute to increased sustainability in various ways, with particular focus on the ecological and socio-cultural dimension of sustainability. Important questions include; what considerations does the nature guide take into account for gentle travel in nature, and in what way do they present local culture and identity? It is interesting whether the background and expertise of the guide has an impact on the interpretation of nature and culture to guests, in addition to his philosophical views on the nature in which the activity takes place. Everyone has their own way of conducting outdoor life or nature use, and with this comes a system of knowledge and experiences.
The study area for the project is in Nord-Troms and the methods are participant observation and in-depth interviews with nature guides. In addition, other key people who are experts in their field must assist in advising on various forms of sustainability. An important part of the research is collaboration with the research partners and to discuss implications for more sustainable nature guiding.
08/2020 - 10/2024