Olympic Games & Youth Olympic Games
The research Stålstrøm is working on for the moment are topics within the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) and what different aspects have influenced the young athlete by partaking in this game under the educational programs. Topics links to the YOG with the following themes are Olympic role models influence, Olympism and cross-cultural differences, learning models, and health & well-being of the young YOG athlete. Getting a better understanding of the influence of the YOG educational program on the athletes who have taken part in the activities is important as the athletes are young (15–18 years) and the program has potential to develop knowledge and inspire behavior change. The YOG was developed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) with the intention to be so much more than just another sports event. As such, a key question is how effective the educational programs are for the athletes taking part, given that the YOG is the largest major sports event for young athletes that combines competition and a rigorously developed educational program. The study is significant for several groups of stakeholders: the IOC, national and global stakeholders, and the athletes.
Due date December 2026.