Past Projects
Digital discovery of antimicrobial molecules from marine Artic resources with reduced risk of triggering resistance
Funding: Research Council of Norway (RCN) project number 269425 and UiT the Arctic University of Norway cross-faculty strategic funding AntiBioSpec
The goal of DigiBiotics is to translate innovative scientific discoveries into commercially attractive propositions by combining in-depth scientific knowledge with a broad understanding of the requirements of successful drug discovery and development. This goal will be reached by fulfilling five scientific objectives and one training objective:
• Digitally mine genomes, isolate and identify novel antimicrobial molecules from Arctic marinemicroorganisms with a selection of compounds less prone to trigger resistance development
• Create, develop and validate experimental and computational methods for determination of molecular
structure, absolute configuration and conformation.
• Provide, through new computational and experimental methods, an in-depth understanding of structure activity
relationships for "middle-space molecules" enabling optimization of their biological activity
• Compute quantitative structure activity relationships (QSAR) for knowledge-driven refinement of antimicrobial molecules into compounds with acceptable pharmacokinetics, optimizing potency,absorption, distribution and metabolic properties.
• Define the microbial targets and resistance development to provide feedback for refined design.
• Train young scientists in the cross-disciplinary skills needed for future successful drug discovery
Project team: John Sigurd Svendsen (IK), Bjørn Olav Brandsdal (IK), Kenneth Ruud (IK), Johan Isaksson (IFA), Jeanette Hammer Andersen (NFH), Johanna U Ericson (IMB)
The project has so far led to two research publications:;
Membrane Vesicles (MVs): characterization and possibilities as vaccine and use as vehicle in vitro
Funding: UiT-funded PhD position; Northern Norway Regional Health Authority Medical Research Programme funded post doctoral fellow, The National Health Register for Monitoring of Antibiotic Resistance 2020 (NORM); CANS-funded PhD position.
The main objective is to identify the cargo of membrane vesicles from the Gram-positive bacteria staphylococci and E. faecium, and to address whether environmental factors influence it. We also aim to evaluate whether bacterial MVs can be used as vaccine, and whether they can be used as in vitro models for studying interaction with- and permeability with bacterial membranes.
Project team: Kristin Hegstad (K-res UNN/HMI UiT), Mona Johannessen (HMI UiT) Bishnu Joshi (HMI UiT) Theresa Maria Wagner (HMI UiT), Fatemeh Askarian (HMI UiT), Bhupender Singh, Jessin Janice, Ole Hagestad, Ahmed Mekhlif, Pauline Cavanagh (IKM UiT), Gøril Eide Flaten (IFA UiT), Johan Isaksson (IFA UiT) Johanna U. Ericson (HMI UiT) and international collaborators
The project led to 7 research publications: DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00262;; DOI: 10.1016/j.jprot.2018.11.013; DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.11.147; DOI: 10.3389/fmolb.2020.566207; doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9102055;
A metagenomics approach for laboratory diagnostics in clinical microbiology
Funding: UiT – the Arctic University of Norway. Grant: UiT funded PhD position, and “Likestillingsmidler”; also supported by “Miljøstøtte” financed by Strategisk-HN05–14 (Helse Nord RFH) and Faculty of Health Sciences A20389, and the National Graduate School in Infection Biology and Antimicrobials (grant number 249062).
Objectives: The main objective was to explore the use of shotgun-metagenomics (SMg) in clinical diagnostics of prosthetic joint infection (PJI) for the identification of potential pathogens and prediction of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and virulence determinants directly from blood culture bottles (BCBs) inoculated with periprosthetic tissue (PJT) specimens.
Project team: Anne Merethe Hanssen; Adriana Sanabria, Johanna Ericson, Mona Johannessen, Gunnar Skov Simonsen
The project led to three research publications. The diagnostic method was taken in use at the routine laboratory at department for microbiology and infection control at UNN for diagnosis of PJI.;;
Consortium positioning for Centre for Infection Prevention and Treatment (preCIPT)
2014- 2017
Funding: Miljøstøtte from Faculty of Health Sciences at UiT the Arctic University of Norway and Northern Norway Regional Health Authority Medical Research Programme
Project team: Johanna Ericson, Mona Johannessen, Anne-Merethe Hanssen, Kristin Hegstad (HMI/K-res), Arnfinn Sundsfjord (HMI/K-res), Gunnar Skov Simonsen (HMI/UNN), Torunn Pedersen (K-res), Ørjan Samuelsen (K-res), Trond Flægstad (IKM), Claus Klingenberg (IKM), Kaare M.Nielsen (IFA), Pål J. Johnsen (IFA), Nils P. Willassen, Erik Hjerde (IK), Hanna Kirsti S. Leiros (IK) and Morten Strøm (IFA).
The outcome of preCIPT was increased collaboration between researchers across borders of faculty and departments. The project paved the way additional collaborations and the establishment of CANS | UiT.
Molecular aspects of host-microbe interaction
The main objectives are to identify bacterial determinants important for colonization and/or infection, and explore therapeutic potential of novel bacterial molecules.
Funding: UiT- PhD position, HN (SFP1157-14), HN (FP-1231-159), preCIPT
Project team: Mona Johannessen (HMI UiT), Kristin Hegstad (HMI UiT/K-res UNN), Fatemeh Askarian (HMI UiT), Theresa Wagner (HMI UiT), Johanna Ericson (HMI UiT), Anne-Merethe Hanssen (HMI UiT), Clement Ajayi (HMI UiT), Maria Sangvik (HMI UiT), Ingvild Pettersen (HMI UiT), Torunn Pedersen (K-res UNN), Jørn Henriksen (HMI UiT), Tom Eirik Mollnes (UNN) and international collaborators
The project resulted in 6 research publications and 3 reviews: doi:10.3389/fcimb.2012.00056; DOI:10.1099/mic.0.069369-0; DOI:10.1111/2049-632X.12099; DOI:10.1159/000357618; DOI:10.1038/srep22134; DOI:10.1128/IAI.00559-16; DOI:10.1093/femsre/fuy025; DOI:10.1186/s12866-018-1179-7; DOI:10.1155/2018/1435820
Identification of host and microbe determinants for Staphylococcus aureus colonisation of healthy individuals ‐ targets for intervention
Funding: Research Council of Norway (RCN) project number 191264/V50, Northern Norway Regional Health Authority Medical Research Programme (Helse Nord RHF), grants Toppforskning [2004-09] and SFP877-09, and Miljøstøtte MIL963-10 [2010-2012]
Project team members: Johanna Sollid, Anne-Merethe Hanssen, Mona Johannessen, Gunnar Skov Simonsen, Maria Sangvik, Renate Slind Olsen, Fatemeh Askarian
The project resulted in 4 research publications and 1 review:, doi:10.3389/fcimb.2012.00056, DOI:10.1111/2049-632X.12017,, DOI:10.1186/s12866-017-0997-3
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