Holistic education and learning

Svein Erik Jamt

HEL - Holistic approaches to Education, Learning and development. The research group focuses on interdisciplinary issues in kindergarten, schools and teacher education that is important for the 21st century. Our main research interests are sustainability, well-being and life skills, Sámi and Kven perspectives and knowledge, and place/land-based education in the Arctic.





Bergan, V., Killengreen, S. & Höper, J (red.). (2024). Special Issue: Approaches to Indigenous Topics, Issues and Perspectives in Teacher Education. Education Sciences.

Bjørndal, K. E. W. & Sørensen, Y. (red.). (2023). Special Issue: Cultivating empowerment in teacher education and school for inqreased quality of life among students. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis.

Bergan, V., Ødegaard, E. E. & Boldermo, S. (red.). (2021). Special Issue : Reimagining Early Childhood Education for Social Sustainability in a Future We Want. Sustainability.

Bjørndal, K. E. W. & Bergan, V. (red.).(2020). Skape rom for folkehelse og livsmestring i skole og lærerutdanning.  Universitetsforlaget. 

Bergan, V. & Bjørndal, K. E. W. (red.).(2019). Bærekraft i praksis i barnehagen. Universitetsforlaget. 

HEL – Holistic education and learning

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