Physics - master

Duration: 2 years

Physics - master

Duration: 2 År

Application deadline
Nordic applicants: April 15th or November 1st, EU/EEA + Swiss applicants: March 1st, Non-EU/EEA applicants: November 15th
How to apply?

Humans are explorers; we have an urge to learn more about the unknown. Through research and the development of new technologies, our understanding of the world is growing rapidly. From the smallest details within cells through nanoscopy to a larger understanding of space physics. With climate change and the shift to green technology, our society needs people that can help with the integration of sustainable energy solutions, model the climate dynamics and use remote sensing to monitor our planet.

A master of physics gives you skills to tackle many of the arising challenges in our society, and gives opportunities for work within a large area of both applied and theoretical physics.

Questions about the study

Rune Grand Graversen

Professor / Group Leader Complex Systems Modeling

Kirsti Merete Johannessen .jpg
Kirsti Merete Johannessen

Student Adviser / Administration

The program Master of Science in Physics includes several disciplines within physics. The program provides a wide range of courses and specialisation in Electrical Engineering, Space physics, Earth Observation, and Energy and Climate. Hence the program gives you many individual choices for planning of your physics education. One year of study (60 ECTS study points) is dedicated to the master thesis project which gives opportunities to become involved in science at the forefront conducted at the institute. Through the program, you can obtain advanced knowledge for example within nanoscopy, climate modelling, fusion energy, upper atmosphere physics, and radar physics, but see the description of the specialisations for several other opportunities"

A Master´s degree in Physics will give you the following;


The candidate:

· has a solid basis in natural sciences in general, and in particular in physics

· has advanced knowledge of theory and methods in one of the offered disciplines of physics

· has thorough knowledge about mathematical and statistical methods for analysis of physical problems

· can apply knowledge on new areas of research in one of the offered disciplines of physics

· has good knowledge of scientific method and knows how to conduct a research experiment

· can analyse and assess scientific literature and research in the field of physics


The candidate:

· can use scientific measurement equipment and carry out advanced experiments

· can evaluate and analyse measurement data in a critical manner

· can assess sensors and measurement devices and evaluate and quantify their error sources

· can use programming tools and advanced software for solving physical problems numerically

· can work independently with problem solving following scientific method

· can evaluate and analyse published theories, methods and experiments in the physics literature

· can carry out an independent, limited research or development project under supervision in physics or related areas


The candidate:

· displays good communication skills, oral and written, in the presentation of scientific work for both the general public and for the specialists in the field

· can analyse academic, professional and research ethical problems in the field of physics

· displays good working habits and follows the code of ethics in scientific work

· is able to continue a career within research, teaching, production, development and technical professions in the society

· can produce a well-structured presentation of an extensive independent scientific work

· can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes in the field of physics

The program leads to a wide variety of career options both domestic and abroad within research, industry and administration.

You will have the opportunity to work with:
- Earth observation
- Application and system development
- Climate and energy management
- Consulting
- Environmental monitoring
- Climate modelling
- Sensor technology
- Rocket and space research
- Statistic analysis

To see the courses taught in the program, see “Study plan” for a full view of the course

Admission to the Master’s program in Physics requires a Bachelor’s degree in Physics (180 ECTS) or equivalent qualifications. An additional requirement is specialization in physics worth the equivalent of minimum 80 ECTS.

Applicants must have a minimum grade average comparable to a Norwegian C (2.5) in the ECTS scale, see the UiT webpage for International admissions for more information on how the point average is calculated.

Applicants with education from non-Nordic countries must document English language proficiency. You will find more information on English language requirements on the UiT webpage for International admissions.

Planned number of admissions spring 2025 (nordic applicants): 15 places

Planned number of admissions fall 2025 (all applicants): 15 places

Applicants from Norway or Nordic countries:

  • Applicants from Norway or Nordic countries can apply for admission to the program twice a year.
  • The application deadline is April 15th for admission to the fall semester
  • The application deadline is November 1st for admission to the spring semester
  • Online application, application code 4006
  • Her finner du all informasjon knyttet til søking og opptak.

Applicants within EU/EEA/Switzerland (except the Nordic countries):

Applicants outside EU/EEA/Switzerland and the Nordic countries:

The courses in the program have varied forms of instruction, typically lectures, exercises, laboratory work, computer work, or combinations of these.
Special curricula, project papers and the Master's thesis are supervised on an individual basis by the department's academic staff, possibly in collaboration with external companies or institutions by agreement.
Form of assessment varies, but may include a take-home exam, project paper or laboratory report, in combination with a final oral or written exam. In some courses, mandatory assignments have to be approved for access to the exam.
After handing in the Master's thesis, it is assessed, and normally within 6 weeks an oral presentation and examination is held, that may influence on the final mark.

Language of instruction is English and all of the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English, but may be answered either in English or in a Scandinavian language.

In addition, the Master's thesis may be written either in English or in a Scandinavian language.

Completed Master's degree studies qualify for admission to PhD-studies in physics, depending on satisfactory marks in the Master's and Bachelor's degree. PhD-studies in physics are offered at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

There are several possibilities for exchanges abroad. The exchange period depends on your individual study plan, and should be planned in collaboration with the student advisor and the student’s supervisor.

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