Chemical Synthesis and Analysis

The Chemical Synthesis and Analysis Group (CSA) is focused on the design, creation, and study of new molecules for the medicines and functional materials of the future. We develop novel chemical and analytical methods and catalysts to enable sustainable and environmentally friendly processes in research and industry. Research projects are typically centered on drug discovery and design (e.g. new anticancer agents and antibiotics), functional nano-scale materials (e.g. new solar-cell, sensor and battery components), catalyst development (e.g. using visible light and more sustainable metals in catalysis) and biofilms (e.g. as cell wall models or in antifouling). The group is also home to teaching staff whose focus is on chemistry education for non-majors, further education for teachers and chemical education research. The group's educational profile thus spans from undergraduate chemistry courses to research-based education in chemical synthesis, medicinal and analytical chemistry, separation sciences and spectroscopic analysis.

Group Leader

Scientific Staff

Research Scientists

Teaching and Education Development Staff

Technical and Administrative Staff

Post Doc / Research Fellow