The Environmental Humanities reserach group at UiT brings together interdisciplinary researchers, artistic researchers, and artists whose work engages with the environmental humanities.
Since 2020, its members have been gathering approximately once a month to present and discuss environmental humanities related research in various forms — from lectures, to walks-and-talks, workshops, or concerts, resulting in the co-creation of new research, knowledge, and methods that cross disciplinary boundaries.
Enthusiastic Master's students, PhD fellows, and Postdocs in the environmental humanities meet weekly for focused writing sessions, and get together for writing retreats, skills sharing sessions, feedback meetings, and reading circles.
#41: Deleuze and Guattari reading group meeting 2 (28.02.2025)
#40: Shut up and write session (25.02.25)
#39: Skills Circle on Fieldwork (10.02.2025)
#38: Deleuze and Guattari reading group kick-off (31.01.2025)
#37: Shut up and write (28.01.2025)
#36: Planning session / meet and greet (10.01.2025)
#35: Contact Zones - A Masterclass in Continental Philosophy (Viewing) (05.12.2024)
#34: When the-Human-that-We-Are Is Not There: Reading Fernand Deligny (05.12.2024)
#33: Visiting the new permanent exhibition Rávdnji - Den strie straumen, the Arctic University Museum of Norway (12.11.2024)
#32: The Case for Degrowth (07.11.2024)
#31: Time is a ship that never casts anchor / feedback session (10.09.2024 (talk) / 13.09.2024 (concert))
#30: A Letter to Lanka with Ilakkiya Mariya Simon: Film and Discussion (28.08.2024)
#29: Kittiwake walk with Kåre Grundvåg and Ingeborg Solvang (07.05.2024)
#28: Guided tour of the exhibition Down in the Bog: Hibernation with curator Karolin Tampere (17.04.2024)
#27: Mingling & focused writing for early career folks (09.04.2024)
#26: On Fiction, Animals, and Making Sense of Climate Science (20.03.2024)
#25: A mini thought-project on 'Writing the Implosion – teaching the world one thing at a time' (12.02.2024)
#24: Living with the Ocean – A Coastal Exhibition in Becoming (24.01.2024)
#23: Tasting session (06.12.2023)
#22: Mini-symposium – Nature, Art, Gender (20.11.2023)
#21: Beavers, Science, Civilization with Sigfrid Kjeldaas (25.10.2023)
#20: Fungal Pasts, Soil Futures – A Project Intro-discussion (24.03.2023)
#19: Reading group (08.03.2023)
#18: Tromsø’s Landscape Scar – A Winter Environmental Humanities Walk and Talk at Kroken Quarry with Anatolijs Venovcevs (04.02.2023)
#17: Reading group - at the crossroads of covid-19, planetary health and the environmental humanities (31.01.2023)
#16: Reading group - Matthew Huber's Lifeblood (25.11.2022)
#15: Reading group - Jane Bennett, Vibrant Matter (21.10.2022)
#14: Heritage Ecologies in Tromsø - An environmental humanities walk & talk with Anatolijs Venovcevs (08.10.2022)
#13: Reading group - Amitav Ghosh's The Great Derangement (28.09.2022)
#12: Reading group - Becoming Reading Group: reflections on assembling a collegiate, caring collective (05.09.2022)
#11: Crimes against ecosystems - Meeting postponed due to COVID (31.05.2022)
#10: Notes on the “fossil fuel ordinary” (29.04.2022)
#6: Thinking-creating with plants — a workshop on developing analogue film in seaweed (20.11.2021)
#5: Framings of multispecies health and justice across One Health approaches (23.10.2021)
#4: What is Tromsø anyway? (27.09.2021)
#3: The Anthropocene - What lies behind, around and in front of (the notion that defines) our time? (24.08.2021)
#2: Presentation by Svein Anders Noer Lie (01.06.2021)
#1: Kick-starting environmental humanities at UiT (27.04.2021)
Shut up and write meetings and mingling lunches every Tuesday & Thursday during semester time - for environmental humanities enthousiasts early in their careers (PhDs, postdocs, artists)
Want to join? Email
Spring semester 2025
Shut up and write sessions and mingling lunches on Tuesdays & Thursdays
Automn semester 2024
Shut up and write sessions and mingling lunches every Tuesday
- Full day writing retreat - focused writing, feedback, walk & talk (12.11.2024)
Spring semester 2024
Shut up and write sessions and mingling lunches every other Tuesday
- Full day writing retreat - focused writing, feedback, walk & talk (29.04.2024)
- Open focused writing session and mingling lunch (09.04.2024)