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News archive


Open professor position

A position as Professor/Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering is available at the Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology (IVT-Fak) at UiT campus Narvik, Department of Electrical Engineering. The position is affiliated with the Research group of Electromechanical Systems and the Arctic Centre of sustainable Energy (ARC).


The SUMMATION, SAMHand and HE4T projects recieves funding from Interreg Aurora to work within autonomous systems and energy harvesting


A 2023 workshop on hydrigen fuel cells and power electronics recieved funcing from ARC

A workshop on fuel cells and power electronics will be arranged in 2023, after recieving funding from ARC strategic funds.


HYDROGENi, a new centre for environment-friendly energy research in hydrogen and ammonia

HYDROGENi, a new centre for environment-friendly energy research in hydrogen and ammonia was announced by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy 11th of March. An investment of 200 MNOK over eight years  will be dedicated to research  within hydrogen and ammonia


Port of Narvik as energy hub in new concept study

A new Enova funded concept study will investigate the Port og Narvik as an energy hub


Bjarte Hoff is part of the technical commitee for the REST-22 conference

Associate professor Bjarte Hoff is part of the technical commitee for The International Conference on Renewable Energies and Smart Technologies (REST), organized 28-29th of July, Trana Albania


Pål Gunnar Ellingsen developes automatic ship tracking in new 16 MNOK project

The Norwegian Research Council has funded a new 16 MNOK project developing new methods for automatic ship tracking, where Pål Gunnar Ellingsen is leading 2 out of 3 work packages.


Hydrogen fuel cell to replace diesel in new project

A pre-project sets out to evaluating energy production based on hydrogen fuel cells as a replacement of diesel generators


Bjarte is representing UiT in the Maritim21 strategy group

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries has appointed associate professor Bjarte Hoff  as member in the Maritim21 strategy group, representing UiT in creating a report for government regarding the future research, development and innovation in the Norwegian maritime sector.


Norway is leading in elctric transport on water, road and in the air

Norway is leading in electric transport within maritim sector, and are among the best to utilize electric road wehicles and committ to electric aircrafts


Electromechanical systems on Twitter and Facebook

The research group is now on social media


Satellittbilder og autonom el-båt på Forskningsdagene 2020

Pål Gunnar og Bjarte bidrog med to videoar av vår forskingsaktivitet til Forskningsdagene 2020


Pawan will investigate smart photovoltaic control technology in new ARC strategic project

Pawan Sharma is leading a new ARC strategic project: "Challenges and Future Perspectives of Smart Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Control Technology Solutions at the Arctic region-Norway ".


Trond og Bjarte fekk UiT sin innovasjonspris for 2019

Innovasjonsprisen 2019 går til førsteamanuensane Trond Østrem og Bjarte Hoff ved Institutt for elektroteknologi. 

Kandidatane vart nominerte for innsatsen deira i prosjektet GMV Zero, den første heilt elektriske røktarbåten i verda, utvikla i samarbeid med Grovfjord Mekaniske verksted (GMV). Erfaringa og kunnskapen deira har vore ein nøkkel til suksess for prosjektet, og dei har vist ei eineståande evne til å nytte forskingsbasert kunnskap til løysning av praktiske problem, i tett dialog og samarbeid med eit aktivt føretak. Dette har bidrege til å skape eit godt og innovativt miljø for samhandling mellom næringsliv og akademia, noko som er eit eksempel til etterfølging.