Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)


The Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) group (previously the High Performance Distributed Systems (HPDS) group) is located at the Department of Computer Science at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The group's research activities are organized into research areas and projects. A project typically includes several of the research areas.

The group does systems research, scientific studies, analysis, modelling and engineering of effective software platforms. Systems research produces artefacts in the form of functioning prototypes of systems. Consequently, the group researches and develops ideas, architectures, designs, and implementations. The group's methodology is to design and conduct experiments on the systems it develops. Using results from these experiments, each system's characteristics and actual behaviour is documented, enabling comparisons to other state of the art systems and identification of lessons learned on how to do better




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Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)

Hansine Hansens vei 18, 9019 Tromsø
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