Christoph ShäferStipendiat / Overlege
Christoph Shäfer – Stipendiat / Overlege
Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge/Oslo Universitetssykehus
Position: Stipendiat / Overlege

Marianne LundDoctoral Research Fellow
Marianne Lund – Doctoral Research Fellow
Position: Doctoral Research Fellow

Elin Kristin EvensenAssociate Professor/ Academic leader of the Fit Futures study
Elin Kristin Evensen – Associate Professor/ Academic leader of the Fit Futures study
Kontakt Fit Futures på e-post
Position: Associate Professor/ Academic leader of the Fit Futures study

Kristin AlmåDoctoral Research Fellow
Kristin Almå – Doctoral Research Fellow
Position: Doctoral Research Fellow

Tord Markussen HammerPhD-stipendiat
Tord Markussen Hammer – PhD-stipendiat
Idrettshøgskolen UiT
Position: PhD-stipendiat

Solrunn HansenAssociate Professor
Solrunn Hansen – Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor

Elin HelbekkmoDoctoral Research Fellow
Elin Helbekkmo – Doctoral Research Fellow
Position: Doctoral Research Fellow

Laila Arnesdatter HopstockProfessor, Head of Department (Department of Health and Care Sciences)
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock – Professor, Head of Department (Department of Health and Care Sciences)
Research interests:
Cardiometabolic health and risk factors
Obesity, Diet and Physical activity
Cardiovascular disease
Secondary prevention after myocardial infarction
Position: Professor, Head of Department (Department of Health and Care Sciences)

Maren JohnsenDoctoral Research Fellow
Maren Johnsen – Doctoral Research Fellow
Position: Doctoral Research Fellow

Henriette MichalsenStipendiat / Psykolog
Henriette Michalsen – Stipendiat / Psykolog
Universitetsykehuset Nord-Norge/UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Position: Stipendiat / Psykolog

Anne Winther Forsker
Anne Winther – Forsker
Nevro- ortopedi- og rehabiliteringsklinikken, Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge
Position: Forsker

Anja Margrete Davis NorbyeAssociate professor health sciences
Anja Margrete Davis Norbye – Associate professor health sciences
Research interests:
- Health anxiety
- Epidemiology and public health
- Health services reserarch
- Neurology and neurological physiotherapy
Position: Associate professor health sciences

Mbachi Ruth MsomphoraAssociate professor & Responsible for Internationalisation at the Department of Health and Care Sciences
Mbachi Ruth Msomphora – Associate professor & Responsible for Internationalisation at the Department of Health and Care Sciences
Position: Associate professor & Responsible for Internationalisation at the Department of Health and Care Sciences

Ingvild Hersoug NedbergAssociate professor in the department of midwifery
Ingvild Hersoug Nedberg – Associate professor in the department of midwifery
Research interests:
I am involved in several projects related to mother-child health, mainly:
- teenage pregnancies and perinatal mortality and morbidity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Georgia, using the Georgian National Birth Registry (GBR)
- women's assessments of the quality of Norwegian and European birth and maternity care, using questionnaires from the IMAGINE study
I am the lead supervisor of 1 PhD-student and co-supervisor for 1 PhD student.
Position: Associate professor in the department of midwifery

Ole Andreas NilsenSpesialist i nevrologisk fysioterapi
Ole Andreas Nilsen – Spesialist i nevrologisk fysioterapi
Stortorget manuellterapi og fysioterapi
Position: Spesialist i nevrologisk fysioterapi

Anne-Sofie SandAssociate Professor
Anne-Sofie Sand – Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor

Gunn PettersenProfessor (Group leader)
Gunn Pettersen – Professor
Position: Professor

Toril Beate RøssvollAssistant professor
Toril Beate Røssvoll – Assistant professor
Research interests:
Public and patient involvement in research
Occupational science
Occupational therapy
Position: Assistant professor